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function print_mail_form_submit in Printer, email and PDF versions 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.4 print_mail/ \print_mail_form_submit()
  2. 5.3 print_mail/ \print_mail_form_submit()
  3. 6 print_mail/ \print_mail_form_submit()
  4. 7.2 print_mail/ \print_mail_form_submit()
  5. 5.x print_mail/ \print_mail_form_submit()

Process the send by-email form submission.

1 call to print_mail_form_submit()
print_mail_action_submit in print_mail/print_mail.module
Action handler for the print_mail_action_submit


print_mail/, line 271


function print_mail_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if (!array_key_exists('cancel', $form_state['values'])) {
    $cid = isset($form_state['values']['cid']) ? $form_state['values']['cid'] : NULL;
    $print_mail_text_message = filter_xss_admin(variable_get('print_mail_text_message', t('Message from sender')));
    $sender_message = $print_mail_text_message . ':<br /><br /><em>' . nl2br(check_plain($form_state['values']['txt_message'])) . '</em>';
    $print = print_controller($form_state['values']['path'], $form_state['values']['query'], $cid, PRINT_MAIL_FORMAT, $form_state['values']['chk_teaser'], $sender_message);
    if ($print !== FALSE) {
      $print_mail_send_option_default = variable_get('print_mail_send_option_default', PRINT_MAIL_SEND_OPTION_DEFAULT);
      $params = array();
      $params['subject'] = $form_state['values']['fld_subject'];
      $params['message'] = $sender_message;
      $params['link'] = $print['url'];
      $params['title'] = $form_state['values']['title'];

      // If a name is provided, make From: in the format Common Name <address>
      if (!empty($form_state['values']['fld_from_name'])) {
        $from = '"' . mime_header_encode($form_state['values']['fld_from_name']) . '" <' . $form_state['values']['fld_from_addr'] . '>';
      else {
        $from = $form_state['values']['fld_from_addr'];

      // If using reply-to, move the From: info to the params array, so that it is passed to hook_mail later
      if (variable_get('print_mail_use_reply_to', PRINT_MAIL_USE_REPLY_TO)) {
        $params['from'] = $from;
        $from = NULL;

      // Spaces in img URLs must be replaced with %20
      $pattern = '!<(img\\s[^>]*?)>!is';
      $print['content'] = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_replace_spaces', $print['content']);
      $node = $print['node'];
      $params['body'] = theme('print', array(
        'print' => $print,
        'type' => PRINT_MAIL_FORMAT,
        'node' => $node,

      // Img elements must be set to absolute
      $pattern = '!<(img\\s[^>]*?)>!is';
      $params['body'] = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_rewrite_urls', $params['body']);

      // Convert the a href elements, to make sure no relative links remain
      $pattern = '!<(a\\s[^>]*?)>!is';
      $params['body'] = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_rewrite_urls', $params['body']);
      $ok = FALSE;
      $use_job_queue = variable_get('print_mail_job_queue', PRINT_MAIL_JOB_QUEUE_DEFAULT);
      if ($use_job_queue) {
        $queue = DrupalQueue::get('print_mail_send');
      $addresses = explode(', ', $form_state['values']['txt_to_addrs']);
      foreach ($addresses as $to) {
        if ($use_job_queue) {

          // Use job queue to send mails during cron runs
            'module' => 'print_mail',
            'key' => $print_mail_send_option_default,
            'to' => $to,
            'language' => language_default(),
            'params' => $params,
            'from' => $from,
        else {

          // Send mail immediately using Drupal's mail handler
          $ret = drupal_mail('print_mail', $print_mail_send_option_default, $to, language_default(), $params, $from);
        if ($use_job_queue || $ret['result']) {
          $ok = TRUE;
      if ($ok) {
        $query = empty($form_state['values']['query']) ? '' : '?' . rawurldecode(drupal_http_build_query($form_state['values']['query']));
        watchdog('print_mail', '%name [%from] sent %page to [%to]', array(
          '%name' => $form_state['values']['fld_from_name'],
          '%from' => $form_state['values']['fld_from_addr'],
          '%page' => $form_state['values']['path'] . $query,
          '%to' => $form_state['values']['txt_to_addrs'],
        $site_name = variable_get('site_name', t('us'));
        $print_mail_text_confirmation = variable_get('print_mail_text_confirmation', t('Thank you for spreading the word about !site.'));
        drupal_set_message(check_plain(t($print_mail_text_confirmation, array(
          '!site' => $site_name,
        $nodepath = drupal_get_normal_path($form_state['values']['path']);
          'sentcount' => 1,
          'sent_timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
          ->condition('path', $nodepath, '=')
          ->expression('sentcount', 'sentcount + :inc', array(
          ':inc' => count($addresses),
  $form_state['redirect'] = array(
    preg_replace('!^book/export/html/!', 'node/', $form_state['values']['path']),
      'query' => $form_state['values']['query'],