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function hook_print_epub_filename_alter in Printer, email and PDF versions 7.2

Alters the EPUB filename.

Changes the value of the EPUB filename variable, just before it is used to create the file. When altering the variable, do not suffix it with the '.epub' extension, as the module will do that automatically.


string $epub_filename: Current value of the epub_filename variable, after processing tokens and any transliteration steps.

string $path: original alias/system path of the page being converted to EPUB.

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1 invocation of hook_print_epub_filename_alter()
print_epub_controller in print_epub/
Generate a EPUB version of the printer-friendly page.


print_epub/print_epub.api.php, line 90
Hooks provided by the EPUB version module.


function hook_print_epub_filename_alter(&$epub_filename, &$path) {
  $epub_filename = $path . '/foo';