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print.tpl.php in Printer, email and PDF versions 7.2

Default theme implementation to display a printer-friendly version page.

This file is akin to Drupal's page.tpl.php template. The contents being displayed are all included in the $content variable, while the rest of the template focuses on positioning and theming the other page elements.

All the variables available in the page.tpl.php template should also be available in this template. In addition to those, the following variables defined by the print module(s) are available:

Arguments to the theme call:

  • $node: The node object. For node content, this is a normal node object. For system-generated pages, this contains usually only the title, path and content elements.
  • $format: The output format being used ('html' for the Web version, 'mail' for the send by email, 'pdf' for the PDF version, etc.).
  • $expand_css: TRUE if the CSS used in the file should be provided as text instead of a list of @include directives.
  • $message: The message included in the send by email version with the text provided by the sender of the email.

Variables created in the preprocess stage:

  • $print_logo: the image tag with the configured logo image.
  • $content: the rendered HTML of the node content.
  • $scripts: the HTML used to include the JavaScript files in the page head.
  • $footer_scripts: the HTML to include the JavaScript files in the page footer.
  • $sourceurl_enabled: TRUE if the source URL infromation should be displayed.
  • $url: absolute URL of the original source page.
  • $source_url: absolute URL of the original source page, either as an alias or as a system path, as configured by the user.
  • $cid: comment ID of the node being displayed.
  • $print_title: the title of the page.
  • $head: HTML contents of the head tag, provided by drupal_get_html_head().
  • $robots_meta: meta tag with the configured robots directives.
  • $css: the syle tags contaning the list of include directives or the full text of the files for inline CSS use.
  • $sendtoprinter: depending on configuration, this is the script tag including the JavaScript to send the page to the printer and to close the window afterwards.


The following suggestions can be used: 1. print--format--node--content-type--nodeid.tpl.php 2. print--format--node--content-type.tpl.php 3. print--format.tpl.php 4. print--node--content-type--nodeid.tpl.php 5. print--node--content-type.tpl.php 6. print.tpl.php

Where format is the ouput format being used, content-type is the node's content type and nodeid is the node's identifier (nid).

See also









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 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to display a printer-friendly version page.
 * This file is akin to Drupal's page.tpl.php template. The contents being
 * displayed are all included in the $content variable, while the rest of the
 * template focuses on positioning and theming the other page elements.
 * All the variables available in the page.tpl.php template should also be
 * available in this template. In addition to those, the following variables
 * defined by the print module(s) are available:
 * Arguments to the theme call:
 * - $node: The node object. For node content, this is a normal node object.
 *   For system-generated pages, this contains usually only the title, path
 *   and content elements.
 * - $format: The output format being used ('html' for the Web version, 'mail'
 *   for the send by email, 'pdf' for the PDF version, etc.).
 * - $expand_css: TRUE if the CSS used in the file should be provided as text
 *   instead of a list of @include directives.
 * - $message: The message included in the send by email version with the
 *   text provided by the sender of the email.
 * Variables created in the preprocess stage:
 * - $print_logo: the image tag with the configured logo image.
 * - $content: the rendered HTML of the node content.
 * - $scripts: the HTML used to include the JavaScript files in the page head.
 * - $footer_scripts: the HTML  to include the JavaScript files in the page
 *   footer.
 * - $sourceurl_enabled: TRUE if the source URL infromation should be
 *   displayed.
 * - $url: absolute URL of the original source page.
 * - $source_url: absolute URL of the original source page, either as an alias
 *   or as a system path, as configured by the user.
 * - $cid: comment ID of the node being displayed.
 * - $print_title: the title of the page.
 * - $head: HTML contents of the head tag, provided by drupal_get_html_head().
 * - $robots_meta: meta tag with the configured robots directives.
 * - $css: the syle tags contaning the list of include directives or the full
 *   text of the files for inline CSS use.
 * - $sendtoprinter: depending on configuration, this is the script tag
 *   including the JavaScript to send the page to the printer and to close the
 *   window afterwards.
 * print[--format][--node--content-type[--nodeid]].tpl.php
 * The following suggestions can be used:
 * 1. print--format--node--content-type--nodeid.tpl.php
 * 2. print--format--node--content-type.tpl.php
 * 3. print--format.tpl.php
 * 4. print--node--content-type--nodeid.tpl.php
 * 5. print--node--content-type.tpl.php
 * 6. print.tpl.php
 * Where format is the ouput format being used, content-type is the node's
 * content type and nodeid is the node's identifier (nid).
 * @see print_preprocess_print()
 * @see theme_print_published
 * @see theme_print_breadcrumb
 * @see theme_print_footer
 * @see theme_print_sourceurl
 * @see theme_print_url_list
 * @see page.tpl.php
 * @ingroup print

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php

print $language->language;
?>" version="XHTML+RDFa 1.0" dir="<?php

print $language->dir;

print $head;
    <base href='<?php

print $url;
?>' />

print $print_title;

print $scripts;

if (isset($sendtoprinter)) {
  print $sendtoprinter;

print $robots_meta;

if (theme_get_setting('toggle_favicon')) {
      <link rel='shortcut icon' href='<?php

  print theme_get_setting('favicon');
  ?>' type='image/x-icon' />


print $css;

if (!empty($message)) {
      <div class="print-message"><?php

  print $message;
  ?></div><p />


if ($print_logo) {
      <div class="print-logo"><?php

  print $print_logo;

    <div class="print-site_name"><?php

print theme('print_published');
    <p />
    <div class="print-breadcrumb"><?php

print theme('print_breadcrumb', array(
  'node' => $node,
    <hr class="print-hr" />

if (!isset($node->type)) {
      <h2 class="print-title"><?php

  print $print_title;

    <div class="print-content"><?php

print $content;
    <div class="print-footer"><?php

print theme('print_footer');
    <hr class="print-hr" />

if ($sourceurl_enabled) {
      <div class="print-source_url">

  print theme('print_sourceurl', array(
    'url' => $source_url,
    'node' => $node,
    'cid' => $cid,

    <div class="print-links"><?php

print theme('print_url_list');

print $footer_scripts;

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