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function _print_get_template in Printer, email and PDF versions 5.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.4 \_print_get_template()

Choose most appropriate template

Auxiliary function to resolve the most appropriate template trying to find a content specific template in the theme or module dir before falling back on a generic template also in those dirs.


format: format of the PF page being rendered (html, pdf, etc.)

$type: name of the node type being rendered in a PF page

Return value

filename of the most suitable template

3 calls to _print_get_template()
print_controller_html in ./
Generate an HTML version of the printer-friendly page
print_mail_mail in print_mail/
Implementation of hook_mail().
print_pdf_controller in print_pdf/
Generate a PDF version of the printer-friendly page


./, line 440
Contains the functions to generate Printer-friendly pages.


function _print_get_template($format = NULL, $type = NULL) {
  $filenames = array();

  // First try to find a template defined both for the format and then the type
  if (!empty($format) && !empty($type)) {
    $filenames[] = "print_{$format}.node-{$type}.tpl.php";

  // Then only for the format
  if (!empty($format)) {
    $filenames[] = "print_{$format}.tpl.php";

  // If the node type is known, then try to find that type's template file
  if (!empty($type)) {
    $filenames[] = "print.node-{$type}.tpl.php";
    $filenames[] = "print.{$type}.tpl.php";

  // Finally search for a generic template file
  $filenames[] = 'print.tpl.php';
  foreach ($filenames as $value) {

    // First in the theme directory
    $file = drupal_get_path('theme', $GLOBALS['theme_key']) . '/' . $value;
    if (file_exists($file)) {
      return $file;

    // Then in the module directory
    $file = drupal_get_path('module', 'print') . '/' . $value;
    if (file_exists($file)) {
      return $file;