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Files in Printer, email and PDF versions 6

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt August 22, 2010 Update CHANGELOG Updated Polish translation by dargod Update translations Coder fixes August 20, 2010 Use theme_token_help to generate token list August 18, 2010 Fix #884936: Check if the…
CREDITS.txt CREDITS.txt This module was created by Matt Westgate <drupal at asitis dot org> Maintained up to version 4.6 by Karsten Mueller <kmue at mac dot com> Maintained up to version 4.7 by Peter John Hartman <peterjohnhartman at> Some bug…
INSTALL.txt INSTALL.txt INSTALLATION ------------ Decompress the print-n.x-n.n.tar.gz file into your Drupal modules directory (usually sites/all/modules, see for more information). Enable the print module: Administer > Site building >…
MAINTAINERS.txt MAINTAINERS.txt PRINT MODULE M: Joao Ventura <joao at venturas dot org> S: maintained
print-rtl.css css/print-rtl.css body { direction: rtl; } th { text-align: right; } .print-links, .print-source_url, .print-taxonomy { text-align: left; } Contains the administrative functions of the PF module.
print.css css/print.css body { margin: 1em; background-color: #fff; font-family: sans-serif; } th { text-align: left; /* LTR */ color: #006; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } tr.odd { background-color: #ddd; } tr.even { background-color: #fff; } td { … name = "Printer-friendly pages" description = "Adds a printer-friendly version link to content and administrative pages." core=6.x package = "Printer, email and PDF versions"
print.install print.install Install file of the print module
print.module print.module Displays Printer-friendly versions of Drupal pages.
print.tpl.php print.tpl.php Default print module template Printer-friendly version Views integration
printlinks-rtl.css css/printlinks-rtl.css .print-link { /* Use these for links above the content */ text-align: left; /* Use these for links in a corner of the content */ /* float:left; */ } .print_html, .print_mail, .print_pdf { margin-left: 0; margin-right:…
printlinks.css css/printlinks.css .print-link { /* Use these for links above the content */ display: block; text-align: right; padding-bottom: 0.5em; /* Use these for links in a corner of the content */ /* position:relative; bottom: 0.5em; float:right; …
print_basic.test tests/print_basic.test print module simpletest tests Custom Views integration join for the page counters print_mail/ Contains the administrative functions of the send by email module. print_mail/ print_mail/ name = "Send by email" description = "Provides the capability to send the web page by email" dependencies[] = print core=6.x package = "Printer, email and PDF versions"
print_mail.install print_mail/print_mail.install Install file of the print_mail module
print_mail.module print_mail/print_mail.module Displays Printer-friendly versions of Drupal pages. print_mail/ Send by email Views integration print_pdf/ Contains the administrative functions of the PDF version module. print_pdf/ Extend the TCPDF class to be able to customize the Footer print_pdf/ Extend the TCPDF class to be able to customize the Footer (PHP4 version) print_pdf/ drush integration for print_pdf module PDF libraries download. print_pdf/ name = "PDF version" description = "Adds the capability to export pages as PDF." dependencies[] = print core=6.x package = "Printer, email and PDF versions"
print_pdf.install print_pdf/print_pdf.install Install file of the print_pdf module
print_pdf.module print_pdf/print_pdf.module Displays Printer-friendly versions of Drupal pages. print_pdf/ print_pdf/ PDF Version Views integration
README.txt lib/README.txt Instead of placing the downloaded external libs (such as TCPDF, dompdf, etc.) used by the print module here, you should place them in sites/all/libraries. This directory is still a valid location for them, however. The Libraries API module library…
README.txt README.txt DESCRIPTION ----------- This module allows you to generate the following printer-friendly versions of any node: * Web page printer-friendly version (at * PDF version (at * Send…

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