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ChainCountryResolverInterface.php in Price 2.x


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namespace Drupal\price\Resolver;

 * Runs the added resolvers one by one until one of them returns the country.
 * Each resolver in the chain can be another chain, which is why this interface
 * extends the country resolver one.
interface ChainCountryResolverInterface extends CountryResolverInterface {

   * Adds a resolver.
   * @param \Drupal\price\Resolver\CountryResolverInterface $resolver
   *   The resolver.
  public function addResolver(CountryResolverInterface $resolver);

   * Gets all added resolvers.
   * @return \Drupal\price\Resolver\CountryResolverInterface[]
   *   The resolvers.
  public function getResolvers();



Namesort descending Description
ChainCountryResolverInterface Runs the added resolvers one by one until one of them returns the country.