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namespace Drupal\price\Resolver in Price 2.x

Same name in other branches
  1. 8 Drupal\price\Resolver
  2. 3.x Drupal\price\Resolver
  3. 2.0.x Drupal\price\Resolver
  4. 3.0.x Drupal\price\Resolver
Classsort descending Location Description
ChainCountryResolver src/Resolver/ChainCountryResolver.php Default implementation of the chain country resolver.
ChainCountryResolverInterface src/Resolver/ChainCountryResolverInterface.php Runs the added resolvers one by one until one of them returns the country.
ChainLocaleResolver src/Resolver/ChainLocaleResolver.php Default implementation of the chain locale resolver.
ChainLocaleResolverInterface src/Resolver/ChainLocaleResolverInterface.php Runs the added resolvers one by one until one of them returns the locale.
CountryResolverInterface src/Resolver/CountryResolverInterface.php Defines the interface for country resolvers.
DefaultCountryResolver src/Resolver/DefaultCountryResolver.php Returns the site's default country.
DefaultLocaleResolver src/Resolver/DefaultLocaleResolver.php Returns the locale based on the current language and country.
LocaleResolverInterface src/Resolver/LocaleResolverInterface.php Defines the interface for locale resolvers.