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final class Price in Price 2.0.x

Same name in this branch
  1. 2.0.x src/Price.php \Drupal\price\Price
  2. 2.0.x src/Element/Price.php \Drupal\price\Element\Price
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/Price.php \Drupal\price\Price
  2. 3.x src/Price.php \Drupal\price\Price
  3. 2.x src/Price.php \Drupal\price\Price
  4. 3.0.x src/Price.php \Drupal\price\Price

Provides a value object for monetary values.

Use the price.currency_formatter service to format prices.


  • class \Drupal\price\Price

Expanded class hierarchy of Price

3 files declare their use of Price
PriceComparator.php in src/Comparator/PriceComparator.php
PriceItem.php in src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/PriceItem.php
PriceTwigExtension.php in src/TwigExtension/PriceTwigExtension.php
2 string references to 'Price' in ./
price.schema.yml in config/schema/price.schema.yml


src/Price.php, line 12


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final class Price {

   * The number.
   * @var string
  protected $number;

   * The currency code.
   * @var string
  protected $currencyCode;

   * Constructs a new Price object.
   * @param string $number
   *   The number.
   * @param string $currency_code
   *   The currency code.
  public function __construct(string $number, string $currency_code) {
    $this->number = (string) $number;
    $this->currencyCode = strtoupper($currency_code);

   * Creates a new price from the given array.
   * @param array $price
   *   The price array, with the "number" and "currency_code" keys.
   * @return static
  public static function fromArray(array $price) : Price {
    if (!isset($price['number'], $price['currency_code'])) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Price::fromArray() called with a malformed array.');
    return new static($price['number'], $price['currency_code']);

   * Gets the number.
   * @return string
   *   The number.
  public function getNumber() : string {
    return $this->number;

   * Gets the currency code.
   * @return string
   *   The currency code.
  public function getCurrencyCode() : string {
    return $this->currencyCode;

   * Gets the string representation of the price.
   * @return string
   *   The string representation of the price.
  public function __toString() : string {
    return Calculator::trim($this->number) . ' ' . $this->currencyCode;

   * Gets the array representation of the price.
   * @return array
   *   The array representation of the price.
  public function toArray() : array {
    return [
      'number' => $this->number,
      'currency_code' => $this->currencyCode,

   * Converts the current price to the given currency.
   * @param string $currency_code
   *   The currency code.
   * @param string $rate
   *   A currency rate corresponding to the currency code.
   * @return static
   *   The resulting price.
  public function convert($currency_code, $rate = '1') : Price {
    $new_number = Calculator::multiply($this->number, $rate);
    return new static($new_number, $currency_code);

   * Adds the given price to the current price.
   * @param \Drupal\price\Price $price
   *   The price.
   * @return static
   *   The resulting price.
  public function add(Price $price) : Price {
      ->assertSameCurrency($this, $price);
    $new_number = Calculator::add($this->number, $price
    return new static($new_number, $this->currencyCode);

   * Subtracts the given price from the current price.
   * @param \Drupal\price\Price $price
   *   The price.
   * @return static
   *   The resulting price.
  public function subtract(Price $price) : Price {
      ->assertSameCurrency($this, $price);
    $new_number = Calculator::subtract($this->number, $price
    return new static($new_number, $this->currencyCode);

   * Multiplies the current price by the given number.
   * @param string $number
   *   The number.
   * @return static
   *   The resulting price.
  public function multiply(string $number) : Price {
    $new_number = Calculator::multiply($this->number, $number);
    return new static($new_number, $this->currencyCode);

   * Divides the current price by the given number.
   * @param string $number
   *   The number.
   * @return static
   *   The resulting price.
  public function divide(string $number) : Price {
    $new_number = Calculator::divide($this->number, $number);
    return new static($new_number, $this->currencyCode);

   * Compares the current price with the given price.
   * @param \Drupal\price\Price $price
   *   The price.
   * @return int
   *   0 if both prices are equal, 1 if the first one is greater, -1 otherwise.
  public function compareTo(Price $price) : int {
      ->assertSameCurrency($this, $price);
    return Calculator::compare($this->number, $price

   * Gets whether the current price is positive.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the price is positive, FALSE otherwise.
  public function isPositive() : bool {
    return Calculator::compare($this->number, '0') == 1;

   * Gets whether the current price is negative.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the price is negative, FALSE otherwise.
  public function isNegative() : bool {
    return Calculator::compare($this->number, '0') == -1;

   * Gets whether the current price is zero.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the price is zero, FALSE otherwise.
  public function isZero() : bool {
    return Calculator::compare($this->number, '0') == 0;

   * Gets whether the current price is equivalent to the given price.
   * @param \Drupal\price\Price $price
   *   The price.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the prices are equal, FALSE otherwise.
  public function equals(Price $price) : bool {
    return $this
      ->compareTo($price) == 0;

   * Gets whether the current price is greater than the given price.
   * @param \Drupal\price\Price $price
   *   The price.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the current price is greater than the given price,
   *   FALSE otherwise.
  public function greaterThan(Price $price) : bool {
    return $this
      ->compareTo($price) == 1;

   * Gets whether the current price is greater than or equal to the given price.
   * @param \Drupal\price\Price $price
   *   The price.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the current price is greater than or equal to the given price,
   *   FALSE otherwise.
  public function greaterThanOrEqual(Price $price) : bool {
    return $this
      ->greaterThan($price) || $this

   * Gets whether the current price is lesser than the given price.
   * @param \Drupal\price\Price $price
   *   The price.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the current price is lesser than the given price,
   *   FALSE otherwise.
  public function lessThan(Price $price) : bool {
    return $this
      ->compareTo($price) == -1;

   * Gets whether the current price is lesser than or equal to the given price.
   * @param \Drupal\price\Price $price
   *   The price.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the current price is lesser than or equal to the given price,
   *   FALSE otherwise.
  public function lessThanOrEqual(Price $price) : bool {
    return $this
      ->lessThan($price) || $this

   * Asserts that the currency code is in the right format.
   * Serves only as a basic sanity check.
   * @param string $currency_code
   *   The currency code.
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
   *   Thrown when the currency code is not in the right format.
  protected function assertCurrencyCodeFormat($currency_code) {
    if (strlen($currency_code) != '3') {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid currency code "%s".', $currency_code));

   * Asserts that the two prices have the same currency.
   * @param \Drupal\price\Price $first_price
   *   The first price.
   * @param \Drupal\price\Price $second_price
   *   The second price.
   * @throws \Drupal\price\Exception\CurrencyMismatchException
   *   Thrown when the prices do not have the same currency.
  protected function assertSameCurrency(Price $first_price, Price $second_price) {
    if ($first_price
      ->getCurrencyCode() != $second_price
      ->getCurrencyCode()) {
      throw new CurrencyMismatchException(sprintf('The provided prices have mismatched currencies: %s, %s.', $first_price
        ->__toString(), $second_price



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Price::$currencyCode protected property The currency code.
Price::$number protected property The number.
Price::add public function Adds the given price to the current price.
Price::assertCurrencyCodeFormat protected function Asserts that the currency code is in the right format.
Price::assertSameCurrency protected function Asserts that the two prices have the same currency.
Price::compareTo public function Compares the current price with the given price.
Price::convert public function Converts the current price to the given currency.
Price::divide public function Divides the current price by the given number.
Price::equals public function Gets whether the current price is equivalent to the given price.
Price::fromArray public static function Creates a new price from the given array.
Price::getCurrencyCode public function Gets the currency code.
Price::getNumber public function Gets the number.
Price::greaterThan public function Gets whether the current price is greater than the given price.
Price::greaterThanOrEqual public function Gets whether the current price is greater than or equal to the given price.
Price::isNegative public function Gets whether the current price is negative.
Price::isPositive public function Gets whether the current price is positive.
Price::isZero public function Gets whether the current price is zero.
Price::lessThan public function Gets whether the current price is lesser than the given price.
Price::lessThanOrEqual public function Gets whether the current price is lesser than or equal to the given price.
Price::multiply public function Multiplies the current price by the given number.
Price::subtract public function Subtracts the given price from the current price.
Price::toArray public function Gets the array representation of the price.
Price::__construct public function Constructs a new Price object.
Price::__toString public function Gets the string representation of the price.