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namespace Drupal\price in Price 8

Same name in other branches
  1. 3.x Drupal\price
  2. 2.0.x Drupal\price
  3. 2.x Drupal\price
  4. 3.0.x Drupal\price
Classsort descending Location Description
Calculator src/Calculator.php Provides helpers for bcmath-based arithmetic.
Country src/Country.php Represents a country.
CurrencyFormatter src/CurrencyFormatter.php Extends the commerceguys/intl CurrencyFormatter to provide better defaults.
CurrencyImporter src/CurrencyImporter.php Default implementation of the currency importer.
CurrencyImporterInterface src/CurrencyImporterInterface.php Imports the library-provided currency data into config entities.
CurrencyListBuilder src/CurrencyListBuilder.php Defines the list builder for currencies.
CurrencyRouteProvider src/CurrencyRouteProvider.php Provides routes for the Currency entity.
CurrentCountry src/CurrentCountry.php Holds a reference to the current country, resolved on demand.
CurrentCountryInterface src/CurrentCountryInterface.php Holds a reference to the current country, resolved on demand.
CurrentLocale src/CurrentLocale.php Holds a reference to the current locale, resolved on demand.
CurrentLocaleInterface src/CurrentLocaleInterface.php Holds a reference to the current locale, resolved on demand.
LegacyNumberFormatter src/LegacyNumberFormatter.php Provides a legacy number formatter for the deprecated NumberFormatterFactory.
Locale src/Locale.php Represents a locale.
NumberFormatter src/NumberFormatter.php Extends the commerceguys/intl NumberFormatter to provide better defaults.
NumberFormatterFactory src/NumberFormatterFactory.php Defines the NumberFormatter factory.
NumberFormatterFactoryInterface src/NumberFormatterFactoryInterface.php Defines the interface for NumberFormatter factories.
Price src/Price.php Provides a value object for monetary values.
PriceModified src/PriceModified.php Provides a value object for monetary values.
PriceModifierListBuilder src/PriceModifierListBuilder.php Defines the list builder.
Rounder src/Rounder.php
RounderInterface src/RounderInterface.php Rounds prices.