Calculator |
final class |
Drupal\price |
src/Calculator.php |
Provides helpers for bcmath-based arithmetic. |
ChainCountryResolver |
class |
Drupal\price\Resolver |
src/Resolver/ChainCountryResolver.php |
Default implementation of the chain country resolver. |
2 |
ChainCountryResolverInterface |
interface |
Drupal\price\Resolver |
src/Resolver/ChainCountryResolverInterface.php |
Runs the added resolvers one by one until one of them returns the country. |
1 |
1 |
ChainLocaleResolver |
class |
Drupal\price\Resolver |
src/Resolver/ChainLocaleResolver.php |
Default implementation of the chain locale resolver. |
2 |
ChainLocaleResolverInterface |
interface |
Drupal\price\Resolver |
src/Resolver/ChainLocaleResolverInterface.php |
Runs the added resolvers one by one until one of them returns the locale. |
1 |
1 |
Country |
final class |
Drupal\price |
src/Country.php |
Represents a country. |
1 |
CountryCacheContext |
class |
Drupal\price\Cache\Context |
src/Cache/Context/CountryCacheContext.php |
Defines the country cache context, for "per country" caching. |
2 |
CountryResolverInterface |
interface |
Drupal\price\Resolver |
src/Resolver/CountryResolverInterface.php |
Defines the interface for country resolvers. |
2 |
Currency |
class |
Drupal\price\Entity |
src/Entity/Currency.php |
Defines the currency entity class. |
CurrencyConstraint |
class |
Drupal\price\Plugin\Validation\Constraint |
src/Plugin/Validation/Constraint/CurrencyConstraint.php |
Currency constraint. |
CurrencyConstraintValidator |
class |
Drupal\price\Plugin\Validation\Constraint |
src/Plugin/Validation/Constraint/CurrencyConstraintValidator.php |
Validates the currency constraint. |
CurrencyForm |
class |
Drupal\price\Form |
src/Form/CurrencyForm.php |
CurrencyFormatter |
class |
Drupal\price |
src/CurrencyFormatter.php |
Extends the commerceguys/intl CurrencyFormatter to provide better defaults. |
2 |
CurrencyImporter |
class |
Drupal\price |
src/CurrencyImporter.php |
Default implementation of the currency importer. |
2 |
CurrencyImporterInterface |
interface |
Drupal\price |
src/CurrencyImporterInterface.php |
Imports the library-provided currency data into config entities. |
1 |
1 |
CurrencyImportForm |
class |
Drupal\price\Form |
src/Form/CurrencyImportForm.php |
Provides a form for importing currencies from library definitions. |
1 |
CurrencyInterface |
interface |
Drupal\price\Entity |
src/Entity/CurrencyInterface.php |
Defines the interface for currencies. |
1 |
3 |
CurrencyListBuilder |
class |
Drupal\price |
src/CurrencyListBuilder.php |
Defines the list builder for currencies. |
CurrencyMismatchException |
class |
Drupal\price\Exception |
src/Exception/CurrencyMismatchException.php |
Thrown when trying to operate on monetary values with different currencies. |
2 |
CurrencyRepository |
class |
Drupal\price\Repository |
src/Repository/CurrencyRepository.php |
Defines the currency repository. |
2 |
CurrencyRouteProvider |
class |
Drupal\price |
src/CurrencyRouteProvider.php |
Provides routes for the Currency entity. |
CurrentCountry |
class |
Drupal\price |
src/CurrentCountry.php |
Holds a reference to the current country, resolved on demand. |
1 |
2 |
CurrentCountryInterface |
interface |
Drupal\price |
src/CurrentCountryInterface.php |
Holds a reference to the current country, resolved on demand. |
1 |
1 |
CurrentLocale |
class |
Drupal\price |
src/CurrentLocale.php |
Holds a reference to the current locale, resolved on demand. |
2 |
CurrentLocaleInterface |
interface |
Drupal\price |
src/CurrentLocaleInterface.php |
Holds a reference to the current locale, resolved on demand. |
1 |
2 |
DefaultCountryResolver |
class |
Drupal\price\Resolver |
src/Resolver/DefaultCountryResolver.php |
Returns the site's default country. |
2 |
DefaultLocaleResolver |
class |
Drupal\price\Resolver |
src/Resolver/DefaultLocaleResolver.php |
Returns the locale based on the current language and country. |
2 |
LegacyNumberFormatter |
class |
Drupal\price |
src/LegacyNumberFormatter.php |
Provides a legacy number formatter for the deprecated NumberFormatterFactory. |
Locale |
final class |
Drupal\price |
src/Locale.php |
Represents a locale. |
1 |
LocaleResolverInterface |
interface |
Drupal\price\Resolver |
src/Resolver/LocaleResolverInterface.php |
Defines the interface for locale resolvers. |
2 |
Number |
class |
Drupal\price\Element |
src/Element/Number.php |
Provides a number form element with support for language-specific input. |
NumberFormatDefinitionEvent |
class |
Drupal\price\Event |
src/Event/NumberFormatDefinitionEvent.php |
Defines the number format definition event. |
1 |
NumberFormatEvent Deprecated |
class |
Drupal\price\Event |
src/Event/NumberFormatEvent.php |
Defines the number format event. |
NumberFormatRepository |
class |
Drupal\price\Repository |
src/Repository/NumberFormatRepository.php |
Defines the number format repository. |
2 |
NumberFormatter |
class |
Drupal\price |
src/NumberFormatter.php |
Extends the commerceguys/intl NumberFormatter to provide better defaults. |
2 |
NumberFormatterFactory Deprecated |
class |
Drupal\price |
src/NumberFormatterFactory.php |
Defines the NumberFormatter factory. |
2 |
NumberFormatterFactoryInterface Deprecated |
interface |
Drupal\price |
src/NumberFormatterFactoryInterface.php |
Defines the interface for NumberFormatter factories. |
1 |
1 |
Price |
final class |
Drupal\price |
src/Price.php |
Provides a value object for monetary values. |
2 |
Price |
class |
Drupal\price\Element |
src/Element/Price.php |
Provides a price form element. |
PriceDefaultFormatter |
class |
Drupal\price\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter |
src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/PriceDefaultFormatter.php |
Plugin implementation of the 'price_price_default' formatter. |
PriceDefaultWidget |
class |
Drupal\price\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget |
src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/PriceDefaultWidget.php |
Plugin implementation of the 'price_price_default' widget. |
PriceEvents |
final class |
Drupal\price\Event |
src/Event/PriceEvents.php |
Defines events for the price module. |
1 |
PriceItem |
class |
Drupal\price\Plugin\Field\FieldType |
src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/PriceItem.php |
Plugin implementation of the 'price' field type. |
1 |
PriceModified |
final class |
Drupal\price |
src/PriceModified.php |
Provides a value object for monetary values. |
1 |
PriceModified |
class |
Drupal\price\Element |
src/Element/PriceModified.php |
Provides a price form element. |
PriceModifiedDefaultFormatter |
class |
Drupal\price\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter |
src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/PriceModifiedDefaultFormatter.php |
Plugin implementation of the 'price_modified' formatter. |
PriceModifiedDefaultWidget |
class |
Drupal\price\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget |
src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/PriceModifiedDefaultWidget.php |
Plugin implementation of the 'price_modified_default' widget. |
PriceModifiedItem |
class |
Drupal\price\Plugin\Field\FieldType |
src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/PriceModifiedItem.php |
Plugin implementation of the 'modified price' field type. |
PriceModifier |
class |
Drupal\price\Entity |
src/Entity/PriceModifier.php |
Defines the entity class. |
PriceModifierConstraint |
class |
Drupal\price\Plugin\Validation\Constraint |
src/Plugin/Validation/Constraint/PriceModifierConstraint.php |
PriceModifier constraint. |