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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Prepopulate 8.2

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
Populate class Drupal\prepopulate src/Populate.php Service to populate fields from URL. 1 1 2
Populate class Drupal\og_prepopulate modules/og_prepopulate/src/Populate.php Service to populate og audience fields from URL. 2
PopulateInterface interface Drupal\prepopulate src/PopulateInterface.php Provides a service to populate a form. 1
PrepopulateFieldTest class Drupal\Tests\prepopulate\Functional tests/src/Functional/PrepopulateFieldTest.php Field functionality tests of prepopulate.
PrepopulateFormTest class Drupal\Tests\prepopulate\Functional tests/src/Functional/PrepopulateFormTest.php Form functionality tests of prepopulate.
PrepopulateTestForm class Drupal\prepopulate_test\Form tests/modules/prepopulate_test/src/Form/PrepopulateTestForm.php Class PrepopulateTestForm. 1

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