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7 calls to _potx_marker_error() in Translation template extractor 6.3

_potx_find_context in ./
Helper to find the value for 'context' on t() and format_plural().
_potx_find_format_plural_calls in ./
Detect all occurances of format_plural calls.
_potx_find_log_calls in ./
Detect all occurances of log() calls.
_potx_find_translation_annotations in ./
Detect all occurances of @Translation annotations in doc comments.
_potx_find_t_calls in ./
Detect all occurances of t()-like calls.
_potx_find_t_calls_with_context in ./
Detect all occurances of t()-like calls from Drupal 7 (with context).
_potx_find_watchdog_calls in ./
Detect all occurances of watchdog() calls. Only in Drupal 6 and Drupal 7.