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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Translation template extractor 6.3

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
Twig_SimpleFunction class vendor/Twig/SimpleFunction.php Represents a template function.
Twig_SimpleTest class vendor/Twig/SimpleTest.php Represents a template test.
Twig_Template abstract class vendor/Twig/Template.php Default base class for compiled templates.
Twig_TemplateInterface Deprecated interface vendor/Twig/TemplateInterface.php Interface implemented by all compiled templates. 1
Twig_Test Deprecated abstract class vendor/Twig/Test.php Represents a template test. 3
Twig_TestCallableInterface Deprecated interface vendor/Twig/TestCallableInterface.php Represents a callable template test. 1
Twig_TestInterface Deprecated interface vendor/Twig/TestInterface.php Represents a template test. 1
Twig_Test_Function Deprecated class vendor/Twig/Test/Function.php Represents a function template test.
Twig_Test_IntegrationTestCase abstract class vendor/Twig/Test/IntegrationTestCase.php Integration test helper
Twig_Test_Method Deprecated class vendor/Twig/Test/Method.php Represents a method template test.
Twig_Test_Node Deprecated class vendor/Twig/Test/Node.php Represents a template test as a Node.
Twig_Test_NodeTestCase abstract class vendor/Twig/Test/NodeTestCase.php
Twig_Token class vendor/Twig/Token.php Represents a Token.
Twig_TokenParser abstract class vendor/Twig/TokenParser.php Base class for all token parsers. 16
Twig_TokenParserBroker Deprecated class vendor/Twig/TokenParserBroker.php Default implementation of a token parser broker.
Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface Deprecated interface vendor/Twig/TokenParserBrokerInterface.php Interface implemented by token parser brokers. 1
Twig_TokenParserInterface interface vendor/Twig/TokenParserInterface.php Interface implemented by token parsers. 1
Twig_TokenParser_AutoEscape class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/AutoEscape.php Marks a section of a template to be escaped or not.
Twig_TokenParser_Block class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Block.php Marks a section of a template as being reusable.
Twig_TokenParser_Do class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Do.php Evaluates an expression, discarding the returned value.
Twig_TokenParser_Embed class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Embed.php Embeds a template.
Twig_TokenParser_Extends class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Extends.php Extends a template by another one.
Twig_TokenParser_Filter class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Filter.php Filters a section of a template by applying filters.
Twig_TokenParser_Flush class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Flush.php Flushes the output to the client.
Twig_TokenParser_For class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/For.php Loops over each item of a sequence.
Twig_TokenParser_From class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/From.php Imports macros.
Twig_TokenParser_If class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/If.php Tests a condition.
Twig_TokenParser_Import class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Import.php Imports macros.
Twig_TokenParser_Include class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Include.php Includes a template. 1
Twig_TokenParser_Macro class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Macro.php Defines a macro.
Twig_TokenParser_Sandbox class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Sandbox.php Marks a section of a template as untrusted code that must be evaluated in the sandbox mode.
Twig_TokenParser_Set class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Set.php Defines a variable.
Twig_TokenParser_Spaceless class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Spaceless.php Remove whitespaces between HTML tags.
Twig_TokenParser_Use class vendor/Twig/TokenParser/Use.php Imports blocks defined in another template into the current template.
Twig_TokenStream class vendor/Twig/TokenStream.php Represents a token stream.
Unescaper class Symfony\Component\Yaml vendor/Symfony/Component/Yaml/Unescaper.php Unescaper encapsulates unescaping rules for single and double-quoted YAML strings.
Yaml class Symfony\Component\Yaml vendor/Symfony/Component/Yaml/Yaml.php Yaml offers convenience methods to load and dump YAML. 5
YamlTest class Symfony\Component\Yaml\Tests vendor/Symfony/Component/Yaml/Tests/YamlTest.php


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