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protected static function Porter2::r in Porter-Stemmer 8

Determines the start of a certain "R" region.

R is a region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or end of word.


string $word: The word to check.

int $type: (optional) 1 or 2. If 2, then calculate the R after the R1.

Return value

int The R position.

4 calls to Porter2::r()
Porter2::inR1 in src/Porter2.php
Checks whether the given string is contained in R1.
Porter2::inR2 in src/Porter2.php
Checks whether the given string is contained in R2.
Porter2::isShort in src/Porter2.php
Determines whether the word is short.
Porter2::step1b in src/Porter2.php
Handles various suffixes, of which the longest is replaced.


src/Porter2.php, line 495


PHP Implementation of the Porter2 Stemming Algorithm.




protected static function r($word, $type = 1) {
  $inc = 1;
  if ($type === 2) {
    $inc = self::r($word, 1);
  elseif (strlen($word) > 5) {
    $prefix_5 = substr($word, 0, 5);
    if ($prefix_5 === 'gener' || $prefix_5 === 'arsen') {
      return 5;
    if (strlen($word) > 5 && substr($word, 0, 6) === 'commun') {
      return 6;
  while ($inc <= strlen($word)) {
    if (!self::isVowel($inc, $word) && self::isVowel($inc - 1, $word)) {
      $position = $inc;
  if (!isset($position)) {
    $position = strlen($word);
  else {

    // We add one, as this is the position AFTER the first non-vowel.
  return $position;