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function PorterStemmerFunctionalTest::testSearch in Porter-Stemmer 7

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  1. 6.2 porterstemmer.test \PorterStemmerFunctionalTest::testSearch()

Tests that all three pages can be found in searches.


./porterstemmer.test, line 73
Tests for the Porter Stemmer module. By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare, Unit tests are based on sample words from which are stored in a separate file…


Functional test for Porter Stemmer.


function testSearch() {

  // Search for 'walk' and verify all three pages were found.
    ->drupalPost('search', array(
    'keys' => 'walk',
  ), 'Search');
    ->assertText('first', 'First page was found with search for walk');
    ->assertText('second', 'Second page was found with search for walk');
    ->assertText('third', 'Third page was found with search for walk');

  // Search for 'walking' and verify all three pages were found.
    ->drupalPost('search', array(
    'keys' => 'walking',
  ), 'Search');
    ->assertText('first', 'First page was found with search for walking');
    ->assertText('second', 'Second page was found with search for walking');
    ->assertText('third', 'Third page was found with search for walking');

  // Search for 'walked' and verify all three pages were found.
    ->drupalPost('search', array(
    'keys' => 'walked',
  ), 'Search');
    ->assertText('first', 'First page was found with search for walked');
    ->assertText('second', 'Second page was found with search for walked');
    ->assertText('third', 'Third page was found with search for walked');

  // Search for 'blahblahblah' and verify none of the pages were found.
    ->drupalPost('search', array(
    'keys' => 'blahblahblah',
  ), 'Search');
    ->assertNoText('first', 'First page was not found with bogus search');
    ->assertNoText('second', 'Second page was not found with bogus search');
    ->assertNoText('third', 'Third page was not found with bogus search');