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function hook_popups_alter in Popups API (Ajax Dialogs) 6.2

Allows altering of the popup rule registry.


$popups: The popup registry to be altered.

1 invocation of hook_popups_alter()
popups_get_popups in ./popups.module
Define hook_popups(). Build the list of popup rules from all modules that implement hook_popups.


./popups.api.php, line 31
Provides hook documentation for the Popups API.


function hook_popups_alter(&$popups) {

  // Remove acting on the primary tabs.
  unset($popups['admin/content/taxonomy']['div#tabs-wrapper a:eq(1)']);

  // Make clicking on the link update the original page.
  $popups['admin/content/taxonomy']['table td:nth-child(2) a']['noUpdate'] = FALSE;