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function pmpapi_send in Public Media Platform API Integration 7

Sends a doc to the PMP.


$values: Key/value pairs of data to be sent to the PMP.

Return value

object An PMPAPIDrupal object.

8 calls to pmpapi_send()
PMPAPIPermissionsWebTestCase::createTestGroup in pmpapi_permissions/tests/pmpapi_permissions.test
PMPAPIPermissionsWebTestCase::createTestOrg in pmpapi_permissions/tests/pmpapi_permissions.test
PMPAPIPullWebTestCase::testPmpAPIEmbargoedThenValid in pmpapi_pull/tests/pmpapi_pull.test
Checks that node is published when it becomes valid.
PMPAPIPullWebTestCase::testPmpAPIPullEmbargoedStory in pmpapi_pull/tests/pmpapi_pull.test
Checks for status = 0 on pulled embargoed story.
PMPAPIPullWebTestCase::testPmpAPIPullExpiredStory in pmpapi_pull/tests/pmpapi_pull.test
Checks for status = 0 on pulled expired story.

... See full list


./pmpapi.module, line 93
Creates basic calls to the PMP API.


function pmpapi_send($values) {
  $pmp = new PMPAPIDrupal();
  $doc = $pmp
  return $pmp