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function pmpapi_query in Public Media Platform API Integration 7

Fetches multiple docs from the PMP, narrowed by query-type parameters.


$params: PMP query parameters.

Return value

object An PMPAPIDrupal object, or NULL if errors.

3 calls to pmpapi_query()
PMPAPIWebTestCase::testPmpAPIDoQuery in tests/pmpapi.test
Makes a basic query to the PMP.
pmpapi_get_properties in ./pmpapi.module
Create a list of all PMP properties (essentially 'programs')
pmpapi_pull_filter_form in pmpapi_pull/
Form constructor for the PMPAPI pull search form.


./pmpapi.module, line 76
Creates basic calls to the PMP API.


function pmpapi_query($params, $cache = TRUE) {
  $pmp = new PMPAPIDrupal($cache);
  if (empty($pmp->errors)) {
  return $pmp;