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function pmticket_update_dependencies in Drupal PM (Project Management) 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 pmticket/pmticket.install \pmticket_update_dependencies()
  2. 7 pmticket/pmticket.install \pmticket_update_dependencies()
  3. 7.2 pmticket/pmticket.install \pmticket_update_dependencies()

Implements hook_update_dependencies().


pmticket/pmticket.install, line 126
Installation functions for the Project Management project module.


function pmticket_update_dependencies() {

  // pmperson_update_7104() migrates pmperson data to drupal user.
  // pmticket migration depends on its completion.
  $dependencies['pmticket'][7105] = array(
    'pmproject' => 7104,
  return $dependencies;