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function _pmticket_get_drupal_uid_from_pmperson_nid in Drupal PM (Project Management) 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 pmticket/includes/ \_pmticket_get_drupal_uid_from_pmperson_nid()
  2. 7.2 pmticket/includes/ \_pmticket_get_drupal_uid_from_pmperson_nid()

Give back the corresponding drupal uid for a pmperson id.

1 call to _pmticket_get_drupal_uid_from_pmperson_nid()
_pmticket_migrate_migrate_single_node in pmticket/includes/
Helper function to migrate single pmticket.


pmticket/includes/, line 165
Migration functions for the PM Ticket module.


function _pmticket_get_drupal_uid_from_pmperson_nid($nid) {
  $r = db_select('pmperson', 'p')
    ->condition('p.nid', $nid)
  $uid = empty($r) ? FALSE : $r->user_uid;
  return $uid;