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function pmteam_install in Drupal PM (Project Management) 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 pmteam/pmteam.install \pmteam_install()
  2. 7 pmteam/pmteam.install \pmteam_install()
  3. 7.2 pmteam/pmteam.install \pmteam_install()

Implements hook_install().


pmteam/pmteam.install, line 10
Install, uninstall and update functions for the PM Team module.


function pmteam_install() {

  // Create and attaches fields to pmteam content type.
  module_load_include('inc', 'pmteam', 'includes/pmteam.migrate');
  variable_set('pm_permission_field_parent_reference_for_pmteam', 'pmteam_organization');

  // Parameter $sandbox is passed as a placeholder.
  $sandbox = array();
  variable_set("pm_permission_node_pmteam_enabled", TRUE);