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function _pmteam_migrate_migrate_single_node in Drupal PM (Project Management) 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 pmteam/includes/ \_pmteam_migrate_migrate_single_node()
  2. 7.2 pmteam/includes/ \_pmteam_migrate_migrate_single_node()

Helper function to migrate single pmteam.

1 call to _pmteam_migrate_migrate_single_node()
_pmteam_migrate_field_data in pmteam/includes/
Helper function to migrate single node, given any pmteam row.


pmteam/includes/, line 115
Migration functions for the PM Team module.


function _pmteam_migrate_migrate_single_node($nid, $vid, $members) {
  $update_needed_flag = FALSE;
  $users = array();
  $pmorganizations = array();
  foreach ($members as $mnid) {
    if ($pmperson = _pmteam_migrate_load_data('pmperson', $mnid)) {
      $users[] = $pmperson->user_uid;
    elseif (_pmteam_migrate_load_data('pmorganization', $mnid)) {
      $pmorganizations[] = $mnid;
  $node = node_load($nid, $vid);
  if (!empty($users)) {
    foreach ($users as $uid) {
      $node->pmteam_user[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array(
        'target_id' => $uid,
      $update_needed_flag = TRUE;
  if (!empty($pmorganizations)) {
    foreach ($pmorganizations as $node_id) {
      $node->pmteam_organization[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array(
        'target_id' => $node_id,
      $update_needed_flag = TRUE;
  if ($update_needed_flag) {
  return TRUE;