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function pm_get_assignment_options in Drupal PM (Project Management) 7

Get a list of people and teams for select boxes

Params: $organization_nid Leave blank to get a list of all teams and persons, otherwise also provide $project_nid to get a limited list of teams and persons following the following logic:

  • If the project is assigned to a person, only that person is listed as an option
  • If the project is assigned to a team, all team members are listed as options
  • If the project is neither assigned to a person nor a team, all people that are assigned to the given origanization are listed as options
  • In addition, if the project is assigned to a manager, that person is also listed
  • Finally, look into all existing teams and list those teams that exclusively contain members that are already selected

If $organization_nid is provided but $project_nid is omitted, then the logic is as above, just for all projects of the given organization.

3 calls to pm_get_assignment_options()
pmproject_form in pmproject/pmproject.module
Implements hook_form().
pmtask_form in pmtask/pmtask.module
Implements hook_form().
pmticket_form in pmticket/pmticket.module
Implements hook_form().


./pm.module, line 896
Main module file for the Project Management module.


function pm_get_assignment_options($organization_nid = 0, $project_nid = 0) {
  $teams = t('Teams:');
  $people = t('People:');
  $options = array();
  if (!$organization_nid) {
    $options['all'] = t('- no filter -');
    $options['mine'] = t('- mine -');
  $options[0] = t('- unassigned -');
  if (module_exists('pmteam')) {
    $options[$teams] = array();
  if (module_exists('pmperson')) {
    $options[$people] = array();
  $add_org_people = TRUE;
  if ($organization_nid) {
    $add_org_people = FALSE;
    $manager = array();
    $projects = array();
    if ($project_nid) {
      $projects[] = $project_nid;
    else {
      $query = db_select('node', 'n');
        ->join('pmproject', 'pro', 'n.vid = pro.vid');
        ->fields('n', array(
        ->condition('n.status', 1)
        ->condition('n.type', 'pmproject')
        ->condition('pro.organization_nid', $organization_nid)
      $result = $query
      foreach ($result as $project) {
        $projects[] = $project->nid;
      $add_org_people = TRUE;
    foreach ($projects as $pid) {
      $project = node_load($pid);
      if ($project->manager_nid) {
        $manager[] = node_load($project->manager_nid);
      if ($project->assigned_nid) {
        $node = node_load($project->assigned_nid);
        if ($node->type == 'pmperson') {
          if (module_exists('pmperson')) {
            $options[$people][$node->nid] = check_plain($node->title);
        else {

          // ($node->type == 'pmteam')
          if (module_exists('pmteam')) {
            $options[$teams][$node->nid] = check_plain($node->title);
            foreach ($node->members_array as $nid => $name) {

              // do not add deactivated persons
              if (!array_key_exists($nid, $node->members_deactivated_array)) {
                $options[$people][$nid] = check_plain($name);
      else {
        $add_org_people = TRUE;
  if ($add_org_people) {
    if (module_exists('pmperson')) {
      $query = db_select('node', 'n');
        ->join('pmperson', 'per', 'n.vid = per.vid');
        ->fields('n', array(
        ->fields('per', array(
        ->orderBy('title', 'ASC');
      if (isset($organization_nid) && $organization_nid != 0) {
          ->condition('per.organization_nid', $organization_nid);
      $result = $query
      foreach ($result as $person) {
        $options[$people][$person->nid] = check_plain($person->title);
        if (empty($options[$people][$person->nid])) {
          $options[$people][$person->nid] = t('Person !nid', array(
            '!nid' => $person->nid,
  else {
    if (isset($manager) && module_exists('pmperson')) {
      foreach ($manager as $manager_node) {
        if (!array_key_exists($manager_node->nid, $options[$people])) {
          $options[$people][$manager_node->nid] = check_plain($manager_node->title);
  if (module_exists('pmteam')) {
    $query = db_select('node', 'n');
      ->join('pmteam', 'team', 'n.vid = team.vid');
      ->fields('n', array(
      ->condition('n.type', 'pmteam')
      ->orderBy('title', 'ASC');

    // Do not add teams, which we have already added
    if (!empty($options[$teams])) {
        ->condition('team.nid', $options[$teams], 'NOT IN');

    // Only add teams that have at least the same members as persons we added so far
    if (!empty($organization_nid) && !empty($options[$people])) {

      // Add all persons that should be in the team
        ->condition('team.mnid', array_keys($options[$people]), 'IN');

      // Add a count, how many of the given persons should be in the other teams
      $count = count($options[$people]);
        ->having('count(team.nid) = :count', array(
        ':count' => $count,
    $result = $query
    foreach ($result as $team) {
      $options[$teams][$team->nid] = check_plain($team->title);
  if (isset($options[$people]) && array_key_exists(0, $options[$people])) {
  if (isset($options[$teams]) && array_key_exists(0, $options[$teams])) {
  if (isset($options[$people]) && !sizeof($options[$people])) {
  if (isset($options[$teams]) && !sizeof($options[$teams])) {

  if (!empty($options[$people]) && is_array($options[$people])) {
    asort($options[$people], SORT_LOCALE_STRING);
  if (!empty($options[$teams]) && is_array($options[$teams])) {
    asort($options[$teams], SORT_LOCALE_STRING);
  return $options;