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function plug_example_test_page_content in Plug 7

Generates the plug_example page content.


\Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginManagerInterface $manager: The Plugin manager.

Return value

array The test page render array.

2 calls to plug_example_test_page_content()
plug_example_annotation_test_page in modules/plug_example/plug_example.module
Page callback to test annotation the plugins.
plug_example_yaml_test_page in modules/plug_example/plug_example.module
Page callback to test the plugins.


modules/plug_example/plug_example.module, line 90
Module implementation file.


function plug_example_test_page_content($manager, $method) {
  $items = array();
  foreach ($manager
    ->getDefinitions() as $id => $plugin) {

    // This is just a silly way to show how you can pass arbitrary configuration
    // at runtime. If true, the name will be wrapped in <em></em>.
    $random_bool = (bool) floor(mt_rand(0, 2));
    $instance = $manager
      ->createInstance($id, array(
      'em' => $random_bool,
    $items[] = $instance
      ->{$method}() . '<br /><pre>' . var_export($instance, TRUE) . '</pre>';
  return array(
    '#theme' => 'item_list',
    '#items' => $items,