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class Inflector in Plug 7

Same name in this branch
  1. 7 lib/doctrine/inflector/lib/Doctrine/Common/Inflector/Inflector.php \Doctrine\Common\Inflector\Inflector
  2. 7 lib/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Util/Inflector.php \Doctrine\Common\Util\Inflector

Doctrine inflector has static methods for inflecting text.

The methods in these classes are from several different sources collected across several different php projects and several different authors. The original author names and emails are not known.

Pluralize & Singularize implementation are borrowed from CakePHP with some modifications.

@link @since 1.0 @author Konsta Vesterinen <> @author Jonathan H. Wage <>


Expanded class hierarchy of Inflector

2 files declare their use of Inflector
Inflector.php in lib/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Util/Inflector.php
InflectorTest.php in lib/doctrine/inflector/tests/Doctrine/Tests/Common/Inflector/InflectorTest.php
1 string reference to 'Inflector'
Inflector::reset in lib/doctrine/inflector/lib/Doctrine/Common/Inflector/Inflector.php
Clears Inflectors inflected value caches, and resets the inflection rules to the initial values.


lib/doctrine/inflector/lib/Doctrine/Common/Inflector/Inflector.php, line 36


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class Inflector {

   * Plural inflector rules.
   * @var array
  private static $plural = array(
    'rules' => array(
      '/(s)tatus$/i' => '\\1\\2tatuses',
      '/(quiz)$/i' => '\\1zes',
      '/^(ox)$/i' => '\\1\\2en',
      '/([m|l])ouse$/i' => '\\1ice',
      '/(matr|vert|ind)(ix|ex)$/i' => '\\1ices',
      '/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/i' => '\\1es',
      '/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/i' => '\\1ies',
      '/(hive)$/i' => '\\1s',
      '/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/i' => '\\1\\2ves',
      '/sis$/i' => 'ses',
      '/([ti])um$/i' => '\\1a',
      '/(p)erson$/i' => '\\1eople',
      '/(m)an$/i' => '\\1en',
      '/(c)hild$/i' => '\\1hildren',
      '/(buffal|tomat)o$/i' => '\\1\\2oes',
      '/(alumn|bacill|cact|foc|fung|nucle|radi|stimul|syllab|termin|vir)us$/i' => '\\1i',
      '/us$/i' => 'uses',
      '/(alias)$/i' => '\\1es',
      '/(ax|cris|test)is$/i' => '\\1es',
      '/s$/' => 's',
      '/^$/' => '',
      '/$/' => 's',
    'uninflected' => array(
    'irregular' => array(
      'atlas' => 'atlases',
      'beef' => 'beefs',
      'brother' => 'brothers',
      'cafe' => 'cafes',
      'child' => 'children',
      'cookie' => 'cookies',
      'corpus' => 'corpuses',
      'cow' => 'cows',
      'criteria' => 'criterion',
      'ganglion' => 'ganglions',
      'genie' => 'genies',
      'genus' => 'genera',
      'graffito' => 'graffiti',
      'hoof' => 'hoofs',
      'human' => 'humans',
      'loaf' => 'loaves',
      'man' => 'men',
      'money' => 'monies',
      'mongoose' => 'mongooses',
      'move' => 'moves',
      'mythos' => 'mythoi',
      'niche' => 'niches',
      'numen' => 'numina',
      'occiput' => 'occiputs',
      'octopus' => 'octopuses',
      'opus' => 'opuses',
      'ox' => 'oxen',
      'penis' => 'penises',
      'person' => 'people',
      'sex' => 'sexes',
      'soliloquy' => 'soliloquies',
      'testis' => 'testes',
      'trilby' => 'trilbys',
      'turf' => 'turfs',

   * Singular inflector rules.
   * @var array
  private static $singular = array(
    'rules' => array(
      '/(s)tatuses$/i' => '\\1\\2tatus',
      '/^(.*)(menu)s$/i' => '\\1\\2',
      '/(quiz)zes$/i' => '\\1',
      '/(matr)ices$/i' => '\\1ix',
      '/(vert|ind)ices$/i' => '\\1ex',
      '/^(ox)en/i' => '\\1',
      '/(alias)(es)*$/i' => '\\1',
      '/(alumn|bacill|cact|foc|fung|nucle|radi|stimul|syllab|termin|viri?)i$/i' => '\\1us',
      '/([ftw]ax)es/i' => '\\1',
      '/(cris|ax|test)es$/i' => '\\1is',
      '/(shoe|slave)s$/i' => '\\1',
      '/(o)es$/i' => '\\1',
      '/ouses$/' => 'ouse',
      '/([^a])uses$/' => '\\1us',
      '/([m|l])ice$/i' => '\\1ouse',
      '/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/i' => '\\1',
      '/(m)ovies$/i' => '\\1\\2ovie',
      '/(s)eries$/i' => '\\1\\2eries',
      '/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i' => '\\1y',
      '/([lr])ves$/i' => '\\1f',
      '/(tive)s$/i' => '\\1',
      '/(hive)s$/i' => '\\1',
      '/(drive)s$/i' => '\\1',
      '/([^fo])ves$/i' => '\\1fe',
      '/(^analy)ses$/i' => '\\1sis',
      '/(analy|diagno|^ba|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$/i' => '\\1\\2sis',
      '/([ti])a$/i' => '\\1um',
      '/(p)eople$/i' => '\\1\\2erson',
      '/(m)en$/i' => '\\1an',
      '/(c)hildren$/i' => '\\1\\2hild',
      '/(n)ews$/i' => '\\1\\2ews',
      '/eaus$/' => 'eau',
      '/^(.*us)$/' => '\\1',
      '/s$/i' => '',
    'uninflected' => array(
    'irregular' => array(
      'criterion' => 'criteria',
      'curves' => 'curve',
      'foes' => 'foe',
      'waves' => 'wave',

   * Words that should not be inflected.
   * @var array
  private static $uninflected = array(
    'sea[- ]bass',

   * Method cache array.
   * @var array
  private static $cache = array();

   * The initial state of Inflector so reset() works.
   * @var array
  private static $initialState = array();

   * Converts a word into the format for a Doctrine table name. Converts 'ModelName' to 'model_name'.
   * @param string $word The word to tableize.
   * @return string The tableized word.
  public static function tableize($word) {
    return strtolower(preg_replace('~(?<=\\w)([A-Z])~', '_$1', $word));

   * Converts a word into the format for a Doctrine class name. Converts 'table_name' to 'TableName'.
   * @param string $word The word to classify.
   * @return string The classified word.
  public static function classify($word) {
    return str_replace(" ", "", ucwords(strtr($word, "_-", "  ")));

   * Camelizes a word. This uses the classify() method and turns the first character to lowercase.
   * @param string $word The word to camelize.
   * @return string The camelized word.
  public static function camelize($word) {
    return lcfirst(self::classify($word));

   * Clears Inflectors inflected value caches, and resets the inflection
   * rules to the initial values.
   * @return void
  public static function reset() {
    if (empty(self::$initialState)) {
      self::$initialState = get_class_vars('Inflector');
    foreach (self::$initialState as $key => $val) {
      if ($key != 'initialState') {
        self::${$key} = $val;

   * Adds custom inflection $rules, of either 'plural' or 'singular' $type.
   * ### Usage:
   * {{{
   * Inflector::rules('plural', array('/^(inflect)or$/i' => '\1ables'));
   * Inflector::rules('plural', array(
   *     'rules' => array('/^(inflect)ors$/i' => '\1ables'),
   *     'uninflected' => array('dontinflectme'),
   *     'irregular' => array('red' => 'redlings')
   * ));
   * }}}
   * @param string  $type  The type of inflection, either 'plural' or 'singular'
   * @param array   $rules An array of rules to be added.
   * @param boolean $reset If true, will unset default inflections for all
   *                       new rules that are being defined in $rules.
   * @return void
  public static function rules($type, $rules, $reset = false) {
    foreach ($rules as $rule => $pattern) {
      if (!is_array($pattern)) {
      if ($reset) {
        self::${$type}[$rule] = $pattern;
      else {
        self::${$type}[$rule] = $rule === 'uninflected' ? array_merge($pattern, self::${$type}[$rule]) : $pattern + self::${$type}[$rule];
      unset($rules[$rule], self::${$type}['cache' . ucfirst($rule)]);
      if (isset(self::${$type}['merged'][$rule])) {
      if ($type === 'plural') {
        self::$cache['pluralize'] = self::$cache['tableize'] = array();
      elseif ($type === 'singular') {
        self::$cache['singularize'] = array();
    self::${$type}['rules'] = $rules + self::${$type}['rules'];

   * Returns a word in plural form.
   * @param string $word The word in singular form.
   * @return string The word in plural form.
  public static function pluralize($word) {
    if (isset(self::$cache['pluralize'][$word])) {
      return self::$cache['pluralize'][$word];
    if (!isset(self::$plural['merged']['irregular'])) {
      self::$plural['merged']['irregular'] = self::$plural['irregular'];
    if (!isset(self::$plural['merged']['uninflected'])) {
      self::$plural['merged']['uninflected'] = array_merge(self::$plural['uninflected'], self::$uninflected);
    if (!isset(self::$plural['cacheUninflected']) || !isset(self::$plural['cacheIrregular'])) {
      self::$plural['cacheUninflected'] = '(?:' . implode('|', self::$plural['merged']['uninflected']) . ')';
      self::$plural['cacheIrregular'] = '(?:' . implode('|', array_keys(self::$plural['merged']['irregular'])) . ')';
    if (preg_match('/(.*)\\b(' . self::$plural['cacheIrregular'] . ')$/i', $word, $regs)) {
      self::$cache['pluralize'][$word] = $regs[1] . substr($word, 0, 1) . substr(self::$plural['merged']['irregular'][strtolower($regs[2])], 1);
      return self::$cache['pluralize'][$word];
    if (preg_match('/^(' . self::$plural['cacheUninflected'] . ')$/i', $word, $regs)) {
      self::$cache['pluralize'][$word] = $word;
      return $word;
    foreach (self::$plural['rules'] as $rule => $replacement) {
      if (preg_match($rule, $word)) {
        self::$cache['pluralize'][$word] = preg_replace($rule, $replacement, $word);
        return self::$cache['pluralize'][$word];

   * Returns a word in singular form.
   * @param string $word The word in plural form.
   * @return string The word in singular form.
  public static function singularize($word) {
    if (isset(self::$cache['singularize'][$word])) {
      return self::$cache['singularize'][$word];
    if (!isset(self::$singular['merged']['uninflected'])) {
      self::$singular['merged']['uninflected'] = array_merge(self::$singular['uninflected'], self::$uninflected);
    if (!isset(self::$singular['merged']['irregular'])) {
      self::$singular['merged']['irregular'] = array_merge(self::$singular['irregular'], array_flip(self::$plural['irregular']));
    if (!isset(self::$singular['cacheUninflected']) || !isset(self::$singular['cacheIrregular'])) {
      self::$singular['cacheUninflected'] = '(?:' . join('|', self::$singular['merged']['uninflected']) . ')';
      self::$singular['cacheIrregular'] = '(?:' . join('|', array_keys(self::$singular['merged']['irregular'])) . ')';
    if (preg_match('/(.*)\\b(' . self::$singular['cacheIrregular'] . ')$/i', $word, $regs)) {
      self::$cache['singularize'][$word] = $regs[1] . substr($word, 0, 1) . substr(self::$singular['merged']['irregular'][strtolower($regs[2])], 1);
      return self::$cache['singularize'][$word];
    if (preg_match('/^(' . self::$singular['cacheUninflected'] . ')$/i', $word, $regs)) {
      self::$cache['singularize'][$word] = $word;
      return $word;
    foreach (self::$singular['rules'] as $rule => $replacement) {
      if (preg_match($rule, $word)) {
        self::$cache['singularize'][$word] = preg_replace($rule, $replacement, $word);
        return self::$cache['singularize'][$word];
    self::$cache['singularize'][$word] = $word;
    return $word;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Inflector::$cache private static property Method cache array.
Inflector::$initialState private static property The initial state of Inflector so reset() works.
Inflector::$plural private static property Plural inflector rules.
Inflector::$singular private static property Singular inflector rules.
Inflector::$uninflected private static property Words that should not be inflected.
Inflector::camelize public static function Camelizes a word. This uses the classify() method and turns the first character to lowercase.
Inflector::classify public static function Converts a word into the format for a Doctrine class name. Converts 'table_name' to 'TableName'.
Inflector::pluralize public static function Returns a word in plural form.
Inflector::reset public static function Clears Inflectors inflected value caches, and resets the inflection rules to the initial values.
Inflector::rules public static function Adds custom inflection $rules, of either 'plural' or 'singular' $type.
Inflector::singularize public static function Returns a word in singular form.
Inflector::tableize public static function Converts a word into the format for a Doctrine table name. Converts 'ModelName' to 'model_name'.