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abstract class PersistentObject in Plug 7

PersistentObject base class that implements getter/setter methods for all mapped fields and associations by overriding __call.

This class is a forward compatible implementation of the PersistentObject trait.


1. All persistent objects have to be associated with a single ObjectManager, multiple ObjectManagers are not supported. You can set the ObjectManager with `PersistentObject#setObjectManager()`. 2. Setters and getters only work if a ClassMetadata instance was injected into the PersistentObject. This is either done on `postLoad` of an object or by accessing the global object manager. 3. There are no hooks for setters/getters. Just implement the method yourself instead of relying on __call(). 4. Slower than handcoded implementations: An average of 7 method calls per access to a field and 11 for an association. 5. Only the inverse side associations get autoset on the owning side as well. Setting objects on the owning side will not set the inverse side associations.



class Foo extends PersistentObject { private $id; }

$foo = new Foo(); $foo->getId(); // method exists through __call

@author Benjamin Eberlei <>


Expanded class hierarchy of PersistentObject

1 file declares its use of PersistentObject
PersistentObjectTest.php in lib/doctrine/common/tests/Doctrine/Tests/Common/Persistence/PersistentObjectTest.php


lib/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Persistence/PersistentObject.php, line 57


View source
abstract class PersistentObject implements ObjectManagerAware {

   * @var ObjectManager|null
  private static $objectManager = null;

   * @var ClassMetadata|null
  private $cm = null;

   * Sets the object manager responsible for all persistent object base classes.
   * @param ObjectManager|null $objectManager
   * @return void
  public static function setObjectManager(ObjectManager $objectManager = null) {
    self::$objectManager = $objectManager;

   * @return ObjectManager|null
  public static function getObjectManager() {
    return self::$objectManager;

   * Injects the Doctrine Object Manager.
   * @param ObjectManager $objectManager
   * @param ClassMetadata $classMetadata
   * @return void
   * @throws \RuntimeException
  public function injectObjectManager(ObjectManager $objectManager, ClassMetadata $classMetadata) {
    if ($objectManager !== self::$objectManager) {
      throw new \RuntimeException("Trying to use PersistentObject with different ObjectManager instances. " . "Was PersistentObject::setObjectManager() called?");
    $this->cm = $classMetadata;

   * Sets a persistent fields value.
   * @param string $field
   * @param array  $args
   * @return void
   * @throws \BadMethodCallException   When no persistent field exists by that name.
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the wrong target object type is passed to an association.
  private function set($field, $args) {
    if ($this->cm
      ->hasField($field) && !$this->cm
      ->isIdentifier($field)) {
      $this->{$field} = $args[0];
    else {
      if ($this->cm
        ->hasAssociation($field) && $this->cm
        ->isSingleValuedAssociation($field)) {
        $targetClass = $this->cm
        if (!$args[0] instanceof $targetClass && $args[0] !== null) {
          throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Expected persistent object of type '" . $targetClass . "'");
        $this->{$field} = $args[0];
          ->completeOwningSide($field, $targetClass, $args[0]);
      else {
        throw new \BadMethodCallException("no field with name '" . $field . "' exists on '" . $this->cm
          ->getName() . "'");

   * Gets a persistent field value.
   * @param string $field
   * @return mixed
   * @throws \BadMethodCallException When no persistent field exists by that name.
  private function get($field) {
    if ($this->cm
      ->hasField($field) || $this->cm
      ->hasAssociation($field)) {
      return $this->{$field};
    else {
      throw new \BadMethodCallException("no field with name '" . $field . "' exists on '" . $this->cm
        ->getName() . "'");

   * If this is an inverse side association, completes the owning side.
   * @param string        $field
   * @param ClassMetadata $targetClass
   * @param object        $targetObject
   * @return void
  private function completeOwningSide($field, $targetClass, $targetObject) {

    // add this object on the owning side as well, for obvious infinite recursion
    // reasons this is only done when called on the inverse side.
    if ($this->cm
      ->isAssociationInverseSide($field)) {
      $mappedByField = $this->cm
      $targetMetadata = self::$objectManager
      $setter = ($targetMetadata
        ->isCollectionValuedAssociation($mappedByField) ? "add" : "set") . $mappedByField;

   * Adds an object to a collection.
   * @param string $field
   * @param array  $args
   * @return void
   * @throws \BadMethodCallException
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  private function add($field, $args) {
    if ($this->cm
      ->hasAssociation($field) && $this->cm
      ->isCollectionValuedAssociation($field)) {
      $targetClass = $this->cm
      if (!$args[0] instanceof $targetClass) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Expected persistent object of type '" . $targetClass . "'");
      if (!$this->{$field} instanceof Collection) {
        $this->{$field} = new ArrayCollection($this->{$field} ?: array());
        ->completeOwningSide($field, $targetClass, $args[0]);
    else {
      throw new \BadMethodCallException("There is no method add" . $field . "() on " . $this->cm

   * Initializes Doctrine Metadata for this class.
   * @return void
   * @throws \RuntimeException
  private function initializeDoctrine() {
    if ($this->cm !== null) {
    if (!self::$objectManager) {
      throw new \RuntimeException("No runtime object manager set. Call PersistentObject#setObjectManager().");
    $this->cm = self::$objectManager

   * Magic methods.
   * @param string $method
   * @param array  $args
   * @return mixed
   * @throws \BadMethodCallException
  public function __call($method, $args) {
    $command = substr($method, 0, 3);
    $field = lcfirst(substr($method, 3));
    if ($command == "set") {
        ->set($field, $args);
    else {
      if ($command == "get") {
        return $this
      else {
        if ($command == "add") {
            ->add($field, $args);
        else {
          throw new \BadMethodCallException("There is no method " . $method . " on " . $this->cm



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PersistentObject::$cm private property
PersistentObject::$objectManager private static property
PersistentObject::add private function Adds an object to a collection.
PersistentObject::completeOwningSide private function If this is an inverse side association, completes the owning side.
PersistentObject::get private function Gets a persistent field value.
PersistentObject::getObjectManager public static function
PersistentObject::initializeDoctrine private function Initializes Doctrine Metadata for this class.
PersistentObject::injectObjectManager public function Injects the Doctrine Object Manager. Overrides ObjectManagerAware::injectObjectManager
PersistentObject::set private function Sets a persistent fields value.
PersistentObject::setObjectManager public static function Sets the object manager responsible for all persistent object base classes.
PersistentObject::__call public function Magic methods.