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function piwik_reports_locations in Piwik Reports 6

1 string reference to 'piwik_reports_locations'
piwik_reports_menu in ./piwik_reports.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


./, line 292
Drupal Module: Piwik Reports


function piwik_reports_locations() {
  global $user;

  // Get basic configuration variables.
  $piwik_url = variable_get('piwik_url_http', '');
  $piwik_site_id = variable_get('piwik_site_id', '');
  $piwik_auth = $user->piwik['piwik_token_auth'];
  $period = $_SESSION['piwik_reports_period'];
  if ($period == 1) {

    // Special handling for "yesterday" = 1.
    // The yesterday date value is required.
    $date = _piwik_reports_select_period($period);
  else {

    // Otherwise it returns the today date value.
    $date = _piwik_reports_select_period(0);
  $period_name = _piwik_reports_get_period_name($period);

  // Create an array of data URL parameters for easier maintenance.
  $data1_params = array();
  $data1_params['module'] = 'UserCountry';
  $data1_params['action'] = 'getCountry';
  $data1_params['idSite'] = $piwik_site_id;
  $data1_params['period'] = $period_name;
  $data1_params['date'] = $date;

  // FIXME: filter_limit seems broken.
  $data1_params['filter_limit'] = 10;
  $data1_params['viewDataTable'] = 'generateDataChartPie';
  $data1_params['loading'] = t('Loading data...');
  if (!empty($piwik_auth)) {
    $data1_params['token_auth'] = $piwik_auth;

  // Build the data URL with all params and urlencode it.
  // Note: drupal_urlencode() doesn't work with Flash variables!
  $data1_url = rawurlencode($piwik_url . '/index.php?' . drupal_query_string_encode($data1_params));
  $form = piwik_reports_dateselect_form();
  $output = theme('visitors_locations', $piwik_url, $data1_url);
  $form['content'] = array(
    '#type' => 'markup',
    '#value' => $output,
  return $form;