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function template_preprocess_image_sizes_formatter in Picture 8

Prepares variables for image formatter templates.

Default template: image-sizes.html.twig.


array $variables: An associative array containing:

  • item: An ImageItem object.
  • item_attributes: An optional associative array of html attributes to be placed in the img tag.
  • image_styles: An array of image styles.
  • fallback_image_style: The fallback image style.
  • sizes: The sizes attribute for viewport-based selection of images.
  • path: An optional array containing the link 'path' and link 'options'.


./, line 24
Implement an image field, based on the file module's file field.


function template_preprocess_image_sizes_formatter(&$variables) {
  $variables['source'] = array(
    '#theme' => 'responsive_image_source',
    '#sizes' => $variables['sizes'],
  $item = $variables['item'];
  if (($entity = $item->entity) && empty($item->uri)) {
    $path = $entity
  else {
    $path = $item->uri;
  $srcset = array();
  foreach ($variables['image_styles'] as $image_style_name) {

    // Get the dimensions.
    $dimensions = responsive_image_get_image_dimensions($image_style_name, array(
      'width' => $item->width,
      'height' => $item->height,

    // Add the image source with its width descriptor.
    $srcset[$dimensions['width']] = array(
      'uri' => _responsive_image_image_style_url($image_style_name, $path),
      'width' => $dimensions['width'] . 'w',

  // Sort by dimension.
  $variables['source']['#srcset'] = $srcset;
  $variables['fallback_image'] = array(
    '#theme' => 'image',
  $variables['fallback_image']['#attributes'] = $variables['item_attributes'];

  // Do not output an empty 'title' attribute.
  if (drupal_strlen($item->title) != 0) {
    $variables['fallback_image']['#title'] = $item->title;
  if ($variables['fallback_image_style'] !== RESPONSIVE_IMAGE_EMPTY_IMAGE) {
    $variables['fallback_image']['#srcset'] = array(
        'uri' => _responsive_image_image_style_url($variables['fallback_image_style'], $path),
  $variables['fallback_image']["#alt"] = $item->alt;

  // The link path and link options are both optional, but for the options to be
  // processed, the link path must at least be an empty string.
  // @todo Add support for route names.
  $variables['url'] = NULL;
  if (isset($variables['path']['path'])) {
    $path = $variables['path']['path'];
    $options = isset($variables['path']['options']) ? $variables['path']['options'] : array();
    $variables['url'] = url($path, $options);