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Files in Picture 7.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description flexslider_picture/ name = FlexSlider Picture description = Integrates the Picture module with the FlexSlider module for a truly responsive slider. package = Picture core = 7.x dependencies[] = picture dependencies[] = flexslider (2.x) dependencies[] = flexslider_fields…
flexslider_picture.install flexslider_picture/flexslider_picture.install Install, update and schema hooks for the FlexSlider Picture module.
flexslider_picture.module flexslider_picture/flexslider_picture.module Picture formatter with flexslider support. flexslider_picture/theme/ Picture formatter with flexslider support.
ls.aspectratio.css lazysizes/plugins/aspectratio/ls.aspectratio.css picture img { width: 100%; } Picture - map breakpoints and image styles. Drush integration for the Picture module. Hooks and functions to support version 1 of the File Entity module. name = Picture description = Picture element core = 7.x dependencies[] = ctools dependencies[] = image dependencies[] = breakpoints files[] = includes/PictureMapping.php configure = admin/config/media/picture package = Picture stylesheets[all][] =…
picture.install picture.install Install/schema hooks for the picture module.
picture.module picture.module Picture formatter.
PictureMapping.php includes/PictureMapping.php Picture Mapping class.
picture_colorbox.css picture_colorbox.css .picture-colorbox-container { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; overflow: hidden; height: 100%; } .picture-colorbox-container img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; } ctools/plugins/export_ui/
picture_wysiwyg.css picture_wysiwyg.css /* This CSS file needs to be included either in the theme used for * editing content in order to be included in the WYSIWYG edit iframe, * or specifically included in the WYSIWYG config page's * "Define CSS" textfield. …
README.txt README.txt -- SUMMARY -- Picture element Hide image ---------- If you use the '- empty image -' option, you have to add the following to your theme css to completely hide the image, otherwise it will still take some…

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