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class PhotosAlbum in Album Photos 8.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.5 src/PhotosAlbum.php \Drupal\photos\PhotosAlbum
  2. 6.0.x src/PhotosAlbum.php \Drupal\photos\PhotosAlbum

Create an album object.


Expanded class hierarchy of PhotosAlbum

12 files declare their use of PhotosAlbum
AddPhotosAlbumImageTest.php in tests/src/Functional/AddPhotosAlbumImageTest.php
CreatePhotosAlbumTest.php in tests/src/Kernel/CreatePhotosAlbumTest.php
photos.module in ./photos.module
Implementation of photos.module.
PhotosAdminSettingsForm.php in src/Form/PhotosAdminSettingsForm.php
PhotosAlbumController.php in src/Controller/PhotosAlbumController.php

... See full list


src/PhotosAlbum.php, line 15


View source
class PhotosAlbum {

   * Album ID {node}.nid.
   * @var int
  protected $pid;

   * Constructs a PhotosAlbum object.
   * @param int $nid
   *   Album ID {node}.nid.
  public function __construct($nid) {
    $this->pid = $nid;

   * Page and Teaser display settings.
  public function nodeView($node, $display, $view_mode) {
    $album = [];
    $order = 0;
    $style_name = $default_style = 'medium';
    if ($display != 0) {
      $default_order = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')
      $order = explode('|', isset($node->album['imageorder']) ? $node->album['imageorder'] : $default_order);
      $order = PhotosAlbum::orderValueChange($order[0], $order[1]);
      $default_style = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')
        ->get('photos_display_' . $view_mode . '_imagesize') ?: 'thumbnail';
      $style_name = isset($node->album[$view_mode . '_imagesize']) ? $node->album[$view_mode . '_imagesize'] : $default_style;
    switch ($display) {
      case 0:

        // Display none.
      case 1:

        // Display cover.
        $album = [];
        if (isset($node->album['cover'])) {
          if (isset($node->album['cover']['view'])) {
            $album = $node->album['cover']['view'];
          else {
            if (isset($node->album['cover']['uri'])) {
              $image = new \stdClass();
              $variables = [
                'style_name' => $style_name,
                'uri' => $node->album['cover']['uri'],

              // The image.factory service will check if our image is valid.
              $image_info = \Drupal::service('image.factory')
              if ($image_info
                ->isValid()) {
                $variables['width'] = $image_info
                $variables['height'] = $image_info
              else {
                $variables['width'] = $variables['height'] = NULL;
              $image_render_array = [
                '#theme' => 'image_style',
                '#uri' => $node->album['cover']['uri'],
                '#style_name' => $style_name,
              $image->view = $image_render_array;
              $image->href = 'photos/album/' . $node
              $image->uri = $node->album['cover']['uri'];
              $image->pid = $node
              $image->title = $node
              $image_render_array = [
                '#theme' => 'photos_image_html',
                '#image' => $image,
                '#style_name' => $style_name,
              $album = $image_render_array;
      case 2:

        // Display thumbnails.
        $get_field = \Drupal::request()->query
        $get_sort = \Drupal::request()->query
        $column = $get_field ? Html::escape($get_field) : 0;
        $sort = $get_sort ? Html::escape($get_sort) : 0;
        $view_num = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')
          ->get('photos_display_' . $view_mode . '_viewnum') ?: 10;
        $limit = isset($node->album[$view_mode . '_viewnum']) ? $node->album[$view_mode . '_viewnum'] : $view_num;
        $term = PhotosAlbum::orderValue($column, $sort, $limit, $order);
        $db = \Drupal::database();
        $query = $db
          ->select('file_managed', 'f');
          ->join('photos_image', 'p', 'p.fid = f.fid');
          ->fields('f', [
          ->condition('', $node
          ->orderBy($term['order']['column'], $term['order']['sort']);
          ->range(0, $term['limit']);
        $result = $query
        $i = 0;

        // Necessary when upgrading from D6 to D7.
        $image_styles = image_style_options(FALSE);
        if (!isset($image_styles[$style_name])) {
          $style_name = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')
        $album = [];

        // Thumbnails.
        foreach ($result as $data) {
          $photos_image = new PhotosImage($data->fid);
          $variables = [
            'href' => 'photos/image/' . $data->fid,
          $album[] = $photos_image
            ->view($style_name, $variables);
      case 3:

        // Get cover.
        $cover = FALSE;
        if (isset($node->album['cover']) && isset($node->album['cover']['uri'])) {
          $image_render_array = [
            '#theme' => 'image_style',
            '#style_name' => $style_name,
            '#uri' => $node->album['cover']['uri'],
            '#title' => $node
            '#alt' => $node
          $cover = $image_render_array;
        if ($cover) {

          // Cover with colorbox gallery.
          $get_field = \Drupal::request()->query
          $get_sort = \Drupal::request()->query
          $column = $get_field ? Html::escape($get_field) : 0;
          $sort = $get_sort ? Html::escape($get_sort) : 0;
          $view_num = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')
            ->get('photos_display_' . $view_mode . '_viewnum') ?: 10;
          $limit = FALSE;

          // Query all images in gallery.
          $term = PhotosAlbum::orderValue($column, $sort, $limit, $order);
          $db = \Drupal::database();
          $query = $db
            ->select('file_managed', 'f');
            ->join('photos_image', 'p', 'p.fid = f.fid');
            ->join('users_field_data', 'ufd', 'ufd.uid = f.uid');
            ->fields('f', [
            ->fields('ufd', [
            ->condition('', $node
            ->orderBy($term['order']['column'], $term['order']['sort']);
          $result = $query
          $i = 0;

          // Setup colorbox.
          if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
            ->moduleExists('colorbox')) {
            $style = \Drupal::config('colorbox.settings')
            $album['#attached']['library'] = [
              'colorbox/' . $style,
            $colorbox_height = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')
              ->get('photos_display_colorbox_max_height') ?: 100;
            $colorbox_width = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')
              ->get('photos_display_colorbox_max_width') ?: 50;
            $js_settings = [
              'maxWidth' => $colorbox_width . '%',
              'maxHeight' => $colorbox_height . '%',
            $album['#attached']['drupalSettings']['colorbox'] = $js_settings;

          // Display cover and list colorbox image links.
          foreach ($result as $data) {
            $style_name = isset($node->album['view_imagesize']) ? $node->album['view_imagesize'] : $style_name;
            $style = ImageStyle::load($style_name);
            $file_url = $style
            $image = NULL;
            if ($i == 0) {
              $image = $cover;
            $album[] = [
              '#theme' => 'photos_image_colorbox_link',
              '#image' => $image,
              '#image_title' => $data->title,
              '#image_url' => $file_url,
              '#nid' => $node
    return $album;

   * Get album cover.
  public function getCover($fid = NULL, $title = '') {
    $pid = $this->pid;
    $cover = [];
    $image = FALSE;
    if (!$fid) {

      // Check album for cover fid.
      $db = \Drupal::database();
      $fid = $db
        ->query("SELECT fid FROM {photos_album} WHERE pid = :pid", [
        ':pid' => $pid,
    if ($fid) {

      // Load image.
      $photos_image = new PhotosImage($fid);
      $image = $photos_image
      if ($image) {

        // Prepare node album cover data.
        $cover['fid'] = $fid;
        $cover['uri'] = $image->uri;
        $style_name = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')
          ->get('photos_cover_imagesize') ?: 'thumbnail';
        $image->href = Url::fromUri('base:photos/album/' . $pid)

        // Set alt and title to album node title.
        $image->alt = $title;
        $image->title = $title;
        $cover_view = [
          '#theme' => 'photos_image_html',
          '#image' => $image,
          '#style_name' => $style_name,
        $cover['view'] = $cover_view;
    if (!$fid || !$image) {

      // Cover not set, select an image from the album.
      $db = \Drupal::database();
      $query = $db
        ->select('file_managed', 'f');
        ->join('photos_image', 'p', 'p.fid = f.fid');
        ->fields('f', [
        ->condition('', $pid);
      $fid = $query
      if ($fid) {
        return $this
    return $cover;

   * Set album cover.
  public function setCover($fid = 0) {
    $pid = $this->pid;

    // Update cover.
    $db = \Drupal::database();
      'fid' => $fid,
      ->condition('pid', $pid)

    // Clear node cache.
      'node:' . $pid,
      'photos:album:' . $pid,
      ->addMessage(t('Cover successfully set.'));

   * Get album images.
  public function getImages($limit = 10) {
    $images = [];

    // Prepare query.
    $get_field = \Drupal::request()->query
    $column = $get_field ? Html::escape($get_field) : '';
    $get_sort = \Drupal::request()->query
    $sort = $get_sort ? Html::escape($get_sort) : '';
    $term = PhotosAlbum::orderValue($column, $sort, $limit, [
      'column' => 'p.wid',
      'sort' => 'asc',

    // Query images in this album.
    $db = \Drupal::database();
    $query = $db
      ->select('file_managed', 'f')
      ->join('photos_image', 'p', 'p.fid = f.fid');
      ->join('users_field_data', 'u', 'f.uid = u.uid');
      ->join('node_field_data', 'n', 'n.nid =');
      ->fields('f', [
      ->condition('', $this->pid);
      ->orderBy($term['order']['column'], $term['order']['sort']);
    if ($term['order']['column'] != 'f.fid') {
        ->orderBy('f.fid', 'DESC');
    $results = $query

    // Prepare images.
    foreach ($results as $result) {
      $photos_image = new PhotosImage($result->fid);
      $images[] = $photos_image
    if (isset($images[0]->fid)) {
      $node = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      $images[0]->info = [
        'pid' => $node
        'title' => $node
        'uid' => $node
      if (isset($node->album['cover'])) {
        $images[0]->info['cover'] = $node->album['cover'];
    return $images;

   * Limit and sort by links.
  public static function orderLinks($arg, $count = 0, $link = 0, $limit = 0) {

    // @todo move out? This is used in recent images, user images and album.
    // @todo move count and order links out.
    // Get current path.
    $q = \Drupal::service('path.current')
    $field = [
      'weight' => t('By weight'),
      'created' => t('By time'),
      'comments' => t('By comments'),
      'filesize' => t('By filesize'),

    // Check count image views variable.
    $photos_image_count = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')
    if (!$photos_image_count) {
      $field['visits'] = t('By visits');
    if ($limit) {
      $get_limit = \Drupal::request()->query
      $query = PhotosAlbum::getPagerQuery();
      $links['limit'] = '';
      if (!is_array($limit)) {
        $limit = [
      $limit_query = $query;
      $limit_count = count($limit);
      foreach ($limit as $key => $tt) {
        $limit_query['limit'] = $tt;
        $sort = [
          'query' => $limit_query,
          'attributes' => [
            'class' => [
              isset($get_limit) && $get_limit == $tt ? 'orderac' : NULL,
            'rel' => 'nofollow',
        $links['limit'] .= Link::fromTextAndUrl($tt, Url::fromUri('base:' . $q, $sort))
        if ($limit_count != $key) {
          $links['limit'] .= ' ';
    $links['count'] = $count;
    $links['link'] = $link ? $link : NULL;
    $sort_links = Link::fromTextAndUrl(t('Default'), Url::fromUri('base:' . $arg, [
      'attributes' => [
        'rel' => 'nofollow',
      ->toString() . ' ';
    $sort_link_count = count($field);
    $get_field = \Drupal::request()->query
    $get_limit = \Drupal::request()->query
    $get_sort = \Drupal::request()->query
    foreach ($field as $key => $t) {
      if (empty($get_field) || $get_field != $key) {
        $sort = 'desc';
        $class = 'photos_order_desc';
      elseif ($get_sort == 'desc') {
        $sort = 'asc';
        $class = 'photos_order_asc photos-active-sort';
      else {
        $sort = 'desc';
        $class = 'photos_order_desc photos-active-sort';
      $field_query = [
        'sort' => $sort,
        'field' => $key,
      if ($get_limit) {
        $field_query['limit'] = Html::escape($get_limit);
      $sort_links .= Link::fromTextAndUrl($t, Url::fromUri('base:' . $q, [
        'query' => $field_query,
        'attributes' => [
          'class' => [
          'rel' => 'nofollow',
      if ($key != $sort_link_count) {
        $sort_links .= ' ';
    if ($sort_links) {
      $links['sort'] = [
        '#markup' => $sort_links,
    return [
      '#theme' => 'photos_album_links',
      '#links' => $links,

   * Returns array of query parameters.
  public static function getPagerQuery() {
    $query_array = [

    // @todo reivew and update as needed.
    $query = UrlHelper::filterQueryParameters($_REQUEST, array_merge($query_array, array_keys($_COOKIE)));
    return $query;

   * Sort order labels.
  public static function orderLabels() {
    return [
      'weight|asc' => t('Weight - smallest first'),
      'weight|desc' => t('Weight - largest first'),
      'created|desc' => t('Upload Date - newest first'),
      'created|asc' => t('Upload Date - oldest first'),
      'comments|desc' => t('Comments - most first'),
      'comments|asc' => t('Comments - least first'),
      'filesize|desc' => t('Filesize - smallest first'),
      'filesize|asc' => t('Filesize - largest first'),
      'visits|desc' => t('Visits - most first'),
      'visits|asc' => t('Visits - least first'),

   * Extends photos order value.
  public static function orderValueChange($field, $sort) {

    // @note timestamp is deprecated, but may exist
    // if albums are migrated from a previous version.
    $array = [
      'weight' => 'p.wid',
      'timestamp' => 'f.fid',
      'created' => 'f.fid',
      'comments' => 'p.comcount',
      'visits' => 'p.count',
      'filesize' => 'f.filesize',
    $array1 = [
      'desc' => 'desc',
      'asc' => 'asc',
    if (isset($array[$field]) && isset($array1[$sort])) {
      return [
        'column' => $array[$field],
        'sort' => $array1[$sort],
    else {

      // Default if values not found.
      return [
        'column' => 'f.fid',
        'sort' => 'desc',

   * Query helper: sort order and limit.
  public static function orderValue($field, $sort, $limit, $default = 0) {

    // @todo update default to check album default!
    if (!$field && !$sort) {
      $t['order'] = !$default ? [
        'column' => 'f.fid',
        'sort' => 'desc',
      ] : $default;
    else {
      if (!($t['order'] = PhotosAlbum::orderValueChange($field, $sort))) {
        $t['order'] = !$default ? [
          'column' => 'f.fid',
          'sort' => 'desc',
        ] : $default;
    if ($limit) {
      $get_limit = \Drupal::request()->query
      if ($get_limit && !($show = intval($get_limit))) {
        $get_destination = \Drupal::request()->query
        if ($get_destination) {
          $str = $get_destination;
          if (preg_match('/.*limit=(\\d*).*/i', $str, $mat)) {
            $show = intval($mat[1]);
      $t['limit'] = isset($show) ? $show : $limit;
    return $t;

   * Return number of albums or photos.
  public static function getCount($type, $id = 0) {
    $db = \Drupal::database();
    switch ($type) {
      case 'user_album':
      case 'user_image':
      case 'site_album':
      case 'site_image':
      case 'node_node':
        return $db
          ->query("SELECT value FROM {photos_count} WHERE cid = :cid AND type = :type", [
          ':cid' => $id,
          ':type' => $type,
      case 'node_album':
        return $db
          ->query("SELECT count FROM {photos_album} WHERE pid = :pid", [
          ':pid' => $id,

   * Update count.
  public static function resetCount($cron = 0) {
    $time = $cron ? 7200 : 0;

    // @todo optimize. Check if new images since last count.
    $cron_last = \Drupal::state()
      ->get('system.cron_last', 0);
    if (\Drupal::time()
      ->getRequestTime() - $cron_last > $time) {
      $db = \Drupal::database();
      $result = $db
        ->query('SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE uid <> 0');
      foreach ($result as $t) {
        PhotosAlbum::setCount('user_image', $t->uid);
        PhotosAlbum::setCount('user_album', $t->uid);
      $result = $db
        ->query('SELECT pid FROM {photos_album}');
      foreach ($result as $t) {
        PhotosAlbum::setCount('node_album', $t->pid);
      $result = $db
        ->query('SELECT DISTINCT(nid) FROM {photos_node}');
      foreach ($result as $t) {
        PhotosAlbum::setCount('node_node', $t->nid);

   * Calculate number of $type.
  public static function setCount($type, $id = 0) {
    $db = \Drupal::database();
    $requestTime = \Drupal::time()
    switch ($type) {
      case 'user_image':
        $count = $db
          ->query('SELECT count(p.fid) FROM {photos_image} p INNER JOIN {file_managed} f ON p.fid = f.fid WHERE f.uid = :id', [
          ':id' => $id,
        $query = $db
          'value' => $count,
          'changed' => $requestTime,
          ->condition('cid', $id);
          ->condition('type', $type);
        $affected_rows = $query
        if (!$affected_rows) {
            'cid' => $id,
            'changed' => $requestTime,
            'type' => $type,
            'value' => $count,

        // Clear cache tags.
          'photos:image:user:' . $id,
      case 'user_album':
        $count = $db
          ->query('SELECT count( FROM {photos_album} p INNER JOIN {node_field_data} n ON = n.nid WHERE n.uid = :uid', [
          ':uid' => $id,
        $query = $db
          'value' => $count,
          'changed' => $requestTime,
          ->condition('cid', $id)
          ->condition('type', $type);
        $affected_rows = $query
        if (!$affected_rows) {
            'cid' => $id,
            'changed' => $requestTime,
            'type' => $type,
            'value' => $count,

        // Clear cache tags.
          'photos:album:user:' . $id,
      case 'site_album':
        $count = $db
          ->query('SELECT COUNT(pid) FROM {photos_album}')
        $query = $db
          'value' => $count,
          'changed' => $requestTime,
          ->condition('cid', 0)
          ->condition('type', $type);
        $affected_rows = $query
        if (!$affected_rows) {
            'cid' => 0,
            'changed' => $requestTime,
            'type' => $type,
            'value' => $count,
      case 'site_image':
        $count = $db
          ->query('SELECT COUNT(fid) FROM {photos_image}')
        $query = $db
          'value' => $count,
          'changed' => $requestTime,
          ->condition('cid', 0)
          ->condition('type', $type);
        $affected_rows = $query
        if (!$affected_rows) {
            'cid' => 0,
            'changed' => $requestTime,
            'type' => $type,
            'value' => $count,

        // Clear cache tags.
      case 'node_node':
        $count = $db
          ->query('SELECT COUNT(nid) FROM {photos_node} WHERE nid = :nid', [
          ':nid' => $id,
        $query = $db
          'value' => $count,
          'changed' => $requestTime,
          ->condition('cid', $id)
          ->condition('type', $type);
        $affected_rows = $query
        if (!$affected_rows) {
            'cid' => $id,
            'changed' => $requestTime,
            'type' => $type,
            'value' => $count,
      case 'node_album':
        $count = $db
          ->query("SELECT COUNT(fid) FROM {photos_image} WHERE pid = :pid", [
          ':pid' => $id,
          'count' => $count,
          ->condition('pid', $id)

   * Tracks number of albums created and number of albums allowed.
  public static function userAlbumCount() {
    $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
    $user_roles = $user
    $t['create'] = PhotosAlbum::getCount('user_album', $user

    // @todo upgrade path? Check D7 role id and convert pnum variables as needed.
    $role_limit = 0;
    $t['total'] = 20;

    // Check highest role limit.
    foreach ($user_roles as $role) {
      if (\Drupal::config('photos.settings')
        ->get('photos_pnum_' . $role) && \Drupal::config('photos.settings')
        ->get('photos_pnum_' . $role) > $role_limit) {
        $role_limit = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')
          ->get('photos_pnum_' . $role);
    if ($role_limit > 0) {
      $t['total'] = $role_limit;
    $t['remain'] = $t['total'] - $t['create'];
    if ($user
      ->id() != 1 && $t['remain'] <= 0) {
      $t['rest'] = 1;
    return $t;

   * User albums.
  public static function userAlbumOptions($uid = 0, $current = 0) {
    if (!$uid) {
      $uid = \Drupal::currentUser()
    $output = [];

    // Query user albums.
    $db = \Drupal::database();
    $query = $db
      ->select('node_field_data', 'n');
      ->join('photos_album', 'a', ' = n.nid');
      ->fields('n', [
      ->condition('n.uid', $uid);
      ->orderBy('n.nid', 'DESC');
    $result = $query
    $true = FALSE;
    foreach ($result as $a) {
      $choice = new \stdClass();
      $choice->option = [
        $a->nid => $a->title,
      $output[$a->nid] = $choice;
      $true = TRUE;
    if ($current) {
      $choice = new \stdClass();
      $choice->option = [
        $current[0] => $current[1],
      $output[$a->nid] = $choice;
    if (!$true) {
      $output = [
        t('You do not have an album yet.'),
    return $output;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PhotosAlbum::$pid protected property Album ID {node}.nid.
PhotosAlbum::getCount public static function Return number of albums or photos.
PhotosAlbum::getCover public function Get album cover.
PhotosAlbum::getImages public function Get album images.
PhotosAlbum::getPagerQuery public static function Returns array of query parameters.
PhotosAlbum::nodeView public function Page and Teaser display settings.
PhotosAlbum::orderLabels public static function Sort order labels.
PhotosAlbum::orderLinks public static function Limit and sort by links.
PhotosAlbum::orderValue public static function Query helper: sort order and limit.
PhotosAlbum::orderValueChange public static function Extends photos order value.
PhotosAlbum::resetCount public static function Update count.
PhotosAlbum::setCount public static function Calculate number of $type.
PhotosAlbum::setCover public function Set album cover.
PhotosAlbum::userAlbumCount public static function Tracks number of albums created and number of albums allowed.
PhotosAlbum::userAlbumOptions public static function User albums.
PhotosAlbum::__construct public function Constructs a PhotosAlbum object.