function phantomjs_capture_test_submit in PhantomJS Capture 7
Ajax callback for the test PhantomJS form on the administration page.
Return value
1 string reference to 'phantomjs_capture_test_submit'
- phantomjs_capture_admin_form in ./
phantomjs_capture.module - The administration form.
- ./
phantomjs_capture.module, line 123 - Defines the administration interface and utility functions to use PhantomJS and test screen shot capture functions.
function phantomjs_capture_test_submit($form, $form_state) {
// Build urls and destination.
$url = $form_state['values']['phantomjs_capture_test']['url'];
$file = 'test' . $form_state['values']['phantomjs_capture_test']['format'];
$dest = file_default_scheme() . '://' . variable_get('phantomjs_capture_dest', 'phantomjs');
// Get the screen shot and create success/error message.
$output = '<div class="messages status"><ul><li>' . t('File has been generated. You can get it !url', array(
'!url' => l(t('here'), file_create_url($dest . '/' . $file)),
)) . '.</ul></li></div>';
if (!phantomjs_capture_screen($url, $dest, $file)) {
$output = '<div class="messages error"><ul><li>' . t('The address entered could not be retrieved.') . '</ul></li></div>';
// Return.
return array(
'phantomjs_capture_test' => array(
'result' => array(
'#prefix' => '<div id="phantomjs-capture-test-result">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'#markup' => $output,