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function pet_load_multiple in Previewable email templates 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 pet.module \pet_load_multiple()
  2. 7 pet.module \pet_load_multiple()

Loads multiple PETs by ID or based on a set of conditions.


array $pids: An array of PET IDs.

bool $reset: Whether to reset the internal PET loading cache.

Return value

array An array of PET objects indexed by pid.

See also


1 call to pet_load_multiple()
pet_pet_list in ./
Return list of all PETs for rules configuration.


./pet.module, line 32
Previewable Email Template module.


function pet_load_multiple($pids = [], $reset = FALSE) {
  return Pet::loadMultiple('pet', $pids, $reset);