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function pet_update_8101 in Previewable email templates 8.3

Update pet data to new schema.

To avoid confusion when adding Mime Mail support, (Mail) Body field will always contain plain text from now on. New 'Html body' field will appear when Mime Mail is enabled, and allows for HTLM version. The old 'Mail Body Plain' field will be removed.

Field data will be moved to their new/proper locations.

Mime Mail editor format (/admin/config/system/mimemail#edit-format) will be preset, but not applied.

Review HTML version for each Pet and save to make sure the final version is as desired!


./pet.install, line 27
Install, update and uninstall functions for the pet module.


function pet_update_8101(&$sandbox) {
  $manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();
  $mail_body_html = BaseFieldDefinition::create('string_long')
    ->setLabel(t('HTML body'))
    ->setDescription(t('The HTML body of the email template. May include tokens of any token type specified below.'))
    ->setDisplayOptions('view', [
    'label' => 'above',
    'type' => 'string',
    'weight' => -5,
    ->setDisplayOptions('form', [
    'type' => 'string_textarea',
    'weight' => -5,
    'settings' => [
      'rows' => 4,
    ->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE)
    ->setDisplayConfigurable('view', TRUE);
    ->installFieldStorageDefinition('mail_body_html', 'pet', 'pet', $mail_body_html);
  $format = BaseFieldDefinition::create('string')
    ->setDescription(t('The HTML format.'))
    ->setDisplayOptions('form', [
    'type' => 'string_textfield',
    'weight' => -4,
    ->installFieldStorageDefinition('format', 'pet', 'pet', $format);
  $send_plain = $manager
    ->getFieldStorageDefinition('send_plain', 'pet');
    ->setDescription(t('If checked, only the plain text will be sent. If unchecked both will be sent as multipart mime.'));

  // Copy field data to new columns.
  // @todo: make table select dynamic.
  // @see
  $database = \Drupal::database();
  $editor_format = Drupal::configFactory()
  $pets_field_data = $database
    ->select('pets_field_data', 'pet')
    ->fields('pet', [
  foreach ($pets_field_data as $id => $field_data) {
    $fields = [
      'mail_body' => empty($field_data->mail_body_plain) ? $field_data->mail_body : $field_data->mail_body_plain,
      'mail_body_html' => empty($field_data->mail_body_plain) ? '' : $field_data->mail_body,
      'mail_body_plain' => NULL,
      'send_plain' => empty($field_data->mail_body_plain) ? 1 : 0,
      'format' => empty($field_data->mail_body_plain) ? NULL : $editor_format,
      ->condition('id', $id)
  $pets_field_revision = $database
    ->select('pets_field_revision', 'pet')
    ->fields('pet', [
  foreach ($pets_field_revision as $id => $field_revision) {
    $fields = [
      'mail_body' => empty($field_revision->mail_body_plain) ? $field_revision->mail_body : $field_revision->mail_body_plain,
      'mail_body_html' => empty($field_revision->mail_body_plain) ? '' : $field_revision->mail_body,
      'mail_body_plain' => NULL,
      'send_plain' => empty($field_revision->mail_body_plain) ? 1 : 0,
      'format' => empty($field_data->mail_body_plain) ? NULL : $editor_format,
      ->condition('id', $id)

  // Remove old mail_body_plain field.
  $mail_body_plain = $manager
    ->getFieldStorageDefinition('mail_body_plain', 'pet');