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Classes, traits, and interfaces in PersianTools 8

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
JalaliDateBundle class Drupal\jalalidate jalalidate/src/JalaliDateBundle.php JalaliDate dependency injection container.
JalaliDateFormatter class Drupal\jalalidate jalalidate/src/JalaliDateFormatter.php Overrides the drupal date service to provide a jalali date. 2
JalaliDatePass class Drupal\jalalidate jalalidate/src/JalaliDatePass.php Replaces the date service by a persian date.
PersianToolsAdminForm class Drupal\persiantools\Form src/Form/PersianToolsAdminForm.php 1
RTLMaker class Drupal\persiantools src/RTLMaker.php 1

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