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bitbucket-pipelines.yml in Permissions by Term 8.2

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  1. 8 bitbucket-pipelines.yml


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  1. image: jepster/drupal-dev:1.0.2
  2. clone:
  3. depth: full
  4. options:
  5. size: 2x
  6. pipelines:
  7. default:
  8. - step:
  9. name: Build and test
  10. caches:
  11. - composer
  12. script:
  13. - nvm install 9.11.1
  14. - cd ..
  15. - mkdir permissions_by_term/
  16. - mv build/* permissions_by_term/
  17. - mv permissions_by_term/ build/
  18. - cd build
  19. - composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev drupal --stability dev --no-interaction
  20. - (cd drupal && composer require behat/behat:^3.0 behat/mink-extension:^2.2 drupal/drupal-extension:^3.2 phpunit/phpunit:^7.0 mikey179/vfsstream:^1.6 phpstan/phpstan:~0.12.75 phpstan/extension-installer:~1.1.0 mglaman/phpstan-drupal:~0.12.8 --dev)
  21. - mv permissions_by_term drupal/web/modules/
  22. - (cd drupal && cp web/modules/permissions_by_term/tests/phpstan* . && vendor/bin/phpstan analyse web/modules/permissions_by_term/)
  23. - (cd drupal/web/modules/permissions_by_term/tests/ && ../../../../vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox)
  24. - (cd drupal/web/modules/permissions_by_term/js/ && npm install && npm run bat)
  25. - (cd drupal/web && ../vendor/drush/drush/drush si standard --db-url=mysql://root:testing@127.0.01/testing -y && ../vendor/drush/drush/drush en permissions_by_term -y)
  26. - (cd drupal/web && screen -dmS php-server php -S localhost:80 .ht.router.php)
  27. - (cd drupal/web && ../vendor/drush/drush/drush pm:uninstall page_cache -y && ../vendor/drush/drush/drush en dynamic_page_cache -y)
  28. - (cd drupal/web && cp modules/permissions_by_term/tests/src/Behat/behat.yml.dist behat.yml && ../vendor/bin/behat --strict)
  29. services:
  30. - testing
  31. - mysql
  32. definitions:
  33. services:
  34. testing:
  35. image: darksolar/selenium-chrome-headless
  36. mysql:
  37. image: mechtecs/docker_big_mysql
  38. environment:
  39. MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: testing
  40. MYSQL_DATABASE: testing