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function _pdf_using_mpdf_attributes_access in PDF using mPDF 7.2

Check for generate PDF permission.


string $node: Node array for currnet node.

Return value

bool TRUE if permision allow and FALSE if access denied.

1 string reference to '_pdf_using_mpdf_attributes_access'
pdf_using_mpdf_menu in ./pdf_using_mpdf.module
Implements hook_menu().


./pdf_using_mpdf.module, line 77
Prints PDF for a given html node view.


function _pdf_using_mpdf_attributes_access($node) {
  if (user_access('generate pdf using mpdf')) {
    if (variable_get('pdf_using_mpdf_type_' . $node->type) == 1) {
      return TRUE;
    else {
      return FALSE;
  return FALSE;

  // TRUE or you can user user_access() permissions as well