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Functions in PDF to ImageField 7.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
pdf_document_field_default_fields pdf_document/ Implements hook_field_default_fields().
pdf_document_node_info pdf_document/ Implements hook_node_info().
pdf_to_image_check_imagemagick ./pdf_to_image.module Check the binary path of 'convert' on the server. 2
pdf_to_image_convert_exec ./pdf_to_image.module Actually execute the shell command. 1
pdf_to_image_count_pages ./pdf_to_image.module Use imagemagick routine to count the number of pages in a given PDF. 1
pdf_to_image_entity_insert ./pdf_to_image.module Update any of our fields when a fieldable entity is being updated.
pdf_to_image_entity_save ./pdf_to_image.module Stand-in for entity_save. 1
pdf_to_image_entity_update ./pdf_to_image.module When a fieldable entity is being updated, regenerate the files. 1
pdf_to_image_escapeshellarg ./pdf_to_image.module Wrapper to escapeshellargs to handle non-ASCII filenames. 2
pdf_to_image_field_formatter_info ./pdf_to_image.module Adds another method for displaying PDF files - embedded live preview.
pdf_to_image_field_formatter_settings_form ./pdf_to_image.module Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form().
pdf_to_image_field_formatter_settings_summary ./pdf_to_image.module Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary().
pdf_to_image_field_formatter_view ./pdf_to_image.module Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
pdf_to_image_field_widget_form ./pdf_to_image.module Adds extra options to file upload widget.
pdf_to_image_field_widget_info ./pdf_to_image.module Announces that we have additional widget options that extend file fields.
pdf_to_image_field_widget_process ./pdf_to_image.module Triggered when a form containing our widget type of file is geting rendered.
pdf_to_image_field_widget_settings_form ./pdf_to_image.module Adds options to the field configuration form in the content type admin setup.
pdf_to_image_filefield_sources_widgets ./pdf_to_image.module Adds PDF to Image to the list of widgets compatible with FileField Sources.
pdf_to_image_form_alter ./pdf_to_image.module Implements hook_form_alter().
pdf_to_image_form_system_image_toolkit_settings_alter ./pdf_to_image.module Adds config options to settings form at /admin/config/media/image-toolkit.
pdf_to_image_generate_page ./pdf_to_image.module Generate a single page for the given pdf file. 2
pdf_to_image_generate_process ./pdf_to_image.module Processing pdf file creation. 1
pdf_to_image_generate_process_attach ./pdf_to_image.module Attach generated files to the content entity (node) at the end of batch mode. 1
pdf_to_image_generate_process_page ./pdf_to_image.module Generate a single page (of the given index) inside a batch process. 1
pdf_to_image_install ./pdf_to_image.install Implements hook_install().
pdf_to_image_is_executable_validate ./pdf_to_image.module Verifies that the given path to a binary exists and is executable. 1
pdf_to_image_requirements ./pdf_to_image.install Implements hook_requirements().
pdf_to_image_shell_exec ./pdf_to_image.module Run the given command (expected to be an imageMagick Commandline). 3
pdf_to_image_source_fields ./pdf_to_image.module Returns field names used as source files for pdf conversion. 3
pdf_to_image_tokens ./pdf_to_image.module Fills in a token with the filename of the source pdf.
pdf_to_image_token_info ./pdf_to_image.module Publish the filename of the source document as a token.
pdf_to_image_validate_density ./pdf_to_image.module Validate string for density settings. 1

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