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Functions in Profile Complete Percent 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
pcp_action_redirect_user_to_editform ./pcp.module Rules Action - Redirect the user to his profile edit page
pcp_admin_settings ./pcp.module Menu Callback Function Build output of the pcp module settings which allows the administrator to tag specific profile fields which will be used to determine the completion of a users profile. 1
pcp_admin_settings_form ./pcp.module Admin settings form 1
pcp_admin_settings_form_data ./pcp.module Function that sets up parameters to be used when the pcp_admin_settings_form() function is executed. 2
pcp_admin_settings_form_submit ./pcp.module Admin settings form submit
pcp_block ./pcp.module Implementation of hook_block()
pcp_condition_check_profile_fields_completeness ./pcp.module Rules Condition - Are the selected user profile fields filed in? 1
pcp_condition_check_profile_fields_completeness_form ./pcp.module Rules Condition form configuration - select the profile fields to check
pcp_delete_field_requireness ./pcp.module Called when a user deletes a profile field We then need to delete the pcp value too 1
pcp_form_profile_field_delete_alter ./pcp.module Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
pcp_form_profile_field_form_alter ./pcp.module Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
pcp_form_user_admin_settings_alter ./pcp.module Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
pcp_form_user_profile_form_alter ./pcp.module Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
pcp_get_additional_tagged_fields ./pcp.module Get all additional tagged fields that where not created using the profile module. This allows additional PCP support for other drupal features. 1
pcp_get_complete_percentage_data ./pcp.module Get the profile complete percentage data for a given user. 1
pcp_get_condition_settings ./pcp.module Helper function to get the setting of a particular condition 1
pcp_get_profile_fields ./pcp.module Get all the profile fields stored in the system, tagged or not tagged. 1
pcp_get_tagged_profile_fields ./pcp.module Get all the profile fields that have been tagged. If an $fid is passed in, only the data for that field will be returned. 3
pcp_get_user_additional_values ./pcp.module Return a users additional field values that have been saved for a given user. 1
pcp_get_user_profile_values ./pcp.module Return a users profile field values that have been saved for a given user. 1
pcp_install ./pcp.install Implementation of hook_install().
pcp_menu ./pcp.module Implementation of hook_menu()
pcp_perm ./pcp.module Implementation of hook_perm()
pcp_profile_field_form_submit ./pcp.module Called when a user submits a profile field form from the profile module (when adding or editing a profile field). 1
pcp_rules_action_info ./pcp.module Implementation of hook_rules_action_info
pcp_rules_condition_info ./pcp.module Implementation of hook_rules_condition_info().
pcp_schema ./pcp.install Implementation of hook_schema()
pcp_theme ./pcp.module
pcp_uninstall ./pcp.install
pcp_user_admin_settings_submit ./pcp.module Called when a user submits the admin user settings form. 1
theme_pcp_profile_percent_complete ./pcp.module Block Theme function that displays the default output of a users profile complete percent. Use this theme function to override the output / display of this block.
_pcp_category_status ./pcp.module Check if a profile category is tagged as to be filled in. Returns TRUE or FALSE
_pcp_field_is_tagged ./pcp.module Check if a profile field is tagged as to be filled in. Returns TRUE or FALSE 1

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