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pbf.module in Permissions by field 8

Contains pbf.module.


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 * @file
 * Contains pbf.module.
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\field\FieldConfigInterface;
use Drupal\user\RoleInterface;
use Drupal\user\Entity\User;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityInterface;
define('PBF_BY_ROLE_ID', 'role_id');
define('PBF_BY_USER_ID', 'user_id');

 * Implements hook_help().
function pbf_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {

    // Main module help for the pbf module.
    case '':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Manage access entity by Entity reference field') . '</p>';
      $output .= '<pre>' . file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/README.txt') . '</pre>';
      return $output;

 * Implements hook_node_grants().
function pbf_node_grants(AccountInterface $account, $op) {

  // First grant a grant to the author for own content.
  $grants['pbf_author'] = [

  // Grant to the user referenced by a Pbf field.
  $grants['pbf_' . PBF_BY_USER_ID] = [

  // Grant to the user according roles.
  $roles = $account
  $role_ids = \Drupal::config('pbf.settings')
  foreach ($roles as $role) {
    $grants['pbf_' . PBF_BY_ROLE_ID][] = $role_ids[$role];

  // Grant to the user according to his Pbf field referencing node or term.
  $user = User::load($account
  $field_definitions = $user
  foreach ($field_definitions as $field_name => $field_definition) {
    if ($field_definition instanceof FieldConfigInterface && $field_definition
      ->getType() == 'pbf') {
      $values = $user->{$field_name}
      if (empty($values)) {
      $target_entity_type_id = $field_definition
      switch ($target_entity_type_id) {
        case 'node':
        case 'taxonomy_term':
          foreach ($values as $value) {

            // On user edit account page, if the cardinality of Pbf field is
            // unlimited, we can have an empty array for $value which
            // correspond to the empty input field on the form edit.
            if ($value) {
              $grants['pbf_' . $field_name][] = $value['target_id'];
        case 'user':
          foreach ($values as $value) {

            // On user edit account page, if the cardinality of Pbf field is
            // unlimited, we can have an empty array for $value which
            // correspond to the empty input field on the form edit.
            if ($value) {
              $grants['pbf_' . $field_name][] = $value['target_id'];
  return $grants;

 * Implements hook_node_access_records().
 * All node access modules must implement this hook. If the module is
 * interested in the privacy of the node passed in, return a list
 * of node access values for each grant ID we offer.
function pbf_node_access_records(NodeInterface $node) {
  if (!$node
    ->isPublished()) {
    return NULL;

  // Check if a Pbf field is attached to the node.
  $field_definitions = $node
  $grants = [];

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition */
  foreach ($field_definitions as $field_name => $field_definition) {
    if ($field_definition instanceof FieldConfigInterface && $field_definition
      ->getType() == 'pbf') {
      $values = $node->{$field_name}
      if (empty($values)) {
      $target_entity_type_id = $field_definition
      $priority = $field_definition
      $user_method = $field_definition
      switch ($target_entity_type_id) {
        case 'node':
        case 'taxonomy_term':
          foreach ($values as $value) {

            // If node's permissions are set as public, we let standard
            // permissions applied, and so we do not populate a grants array.
            if ($value['grant_public']) {
            $grants[] = pbf_create_grant($value, $field_name, $priority);
        case 'user':
          foreach ($values as $value) {

            // If node's permissions are set as public, we use standard
            // permissions, and so do not populate a grants array.
            if ($value['grant_public']) {

            // If the field which reference user grant access directly to this
            // user for this node.
            if ($user_method == 'user') {
              $grants[] = pbf_create_grant($value, PBF_BY_USER_ID, $priority);

            // If the field which reference user grant access to users which
            // reference this user. We grant access to these users who have
            // same Pbf field set on this user.
            if ($user_method == 'ref_user') {
              $grants[] = pbf_create_grant($value, $field_name, $priority);

              // We grant access to the user referenced too.
              $grants[] = pbf_create_grant($value, PBF_BY_USER_ID, $priority);
        case 'user_role':
          foreach ($values as $value) {

            // If node's permissions are set as public, we use standard
            // permissions, and so do not populate a grants array.
            if ($value['grant_public']) {
            $role_ids = \Drupal::config('pbf.settings')
            if (isset($role_ids[$value['target_id']]) && is_int($role_ids[$value['target_id']])) {

              // Replace the Role target_id (string) by our role id (integer).
              $value['target_id'] = $role_ids[$value['target_id']];
              $grants[] = pbf_create_grant($value, PBF_BY_ROLE_ID, $priority);

  // If there is some custom permissions then we need to
  // grant access to node's author according to standard permissions defined.
  // Otherwise, standard permissions applied to node
  // and so we return an empty array. We set this realm only if anonymous user
  // is not the node's owner.
  if ($grants && $node
    ->getOwnerId()) {
    $grants[] = array(
      'realm' => 'pbf_author',
      'gid' => $node
      'grant_view' => 1,
      'grant_update' => $node
        ->hasPermission('edit own ' . $node
        ->bundle() . ' content') ? 1 : 0,
      'grant_delete' => $node
        ->hasPermission('delete own ' . $node
        ->bundle() . ' content') ? 1 : 0,
      'priority' => 0,
  return $grants;

 * Helper function to generate a grant array.
 * @param array $value
 *   The field values.
 * @param string $field_name
 *   The field name used for the realm.
 * @param int $priority
 *   The permissions's priority.
 * @return array $grant
 *   The grant array.
function pbf_create_grant($value, $field_name, $priority = 0) {

  // @todo support langcode
  $grant = array(
    'realm' => 'pbf_' . $field_name,
    'gid' => $value['target_id'],
    'grant_view' => $value['grant_view'],
    'grant_update' => $value['grant_update'],
    'grant_delete' => $value['grant_delete'],
    'priority' => $priority,
  return $grant;

 * Implements hook_entity_delete().
function pbf_entity_delete(EntityInterface $entity) {
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  if ($entity instanceof RoleInterface) {
    $roles_gids = $config
      ->set('pbf_roles_gids', $roles_gids);
  if ($entity instanceof FieldableEntityInterface) {
      ->synchronize('delete', $entity);

 * Implements hook_entity_insert().
function pbf_entity_insert(EntityInterface $entity) {
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  if ($entity instanceof RoleInterface) {
    $roles_gids = array_flip($config
    $roles_gids[] = $entity
      ->set('pbf_roles_gids', array_flip($roles_gids));
  if ($entity instanceof FieldableEntityInterface) {
      ->synchronize('insert', $entity);

 * Implements hook_entity_update().
function pbf_entity_update(EntityInterface $entity) {
  if ($entity instanceof FieldableEntityInterface) {
      ->synchronize('update', $entity);

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_insert().
function pbf_field_config_insert(FieldConfigInterface $entity) {
  if ($entity
    ->getType() == 'pbf' && $entity
    ->getSetting('synchronized_with')) {
    $entityTypeManager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    /** @var \Drupal\field\FieldConfigInterface $field_to_synchronize */
    $field_to_synchronize = $entityTypeManager
    if ($field_to_synchronize) {
        ->set('synchronized_by', $entity
        ->set('synchronized_from_target', $entity

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update().
function pbf_field_config_update(FieldConfigInterface $entity) {
  if ($entity
    ->getType() == 'pbf') {
    $original = $entity->original;
    $entityTypeManager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    // If no change on the field synchronized, and if there is a field selected,
    // we must care about the synchronized_from_target option.
    if ($entity
      ->getSetting('synchronized_with') == $original
      ->getSetting('synchronized_with') && $entity
      ->getSetting('synchronized_with')) {
      if ($entity
        ->getSetting('synchronized_from_target') !== $original
        ->getSetting('synchronized_from_target')) {
        $field_to_synchronize = $entityTypeManager
        if ($field_to_synchronize) {
            ->setSetting('synchronized_from_target', $entity
      else {

    // If a new field is selected and there is no synchronization before.
    if ($entity
      ->getSetting('synchronized_with') && empty($original
      ->getSetting('synchronized_with'))) {

      /** @var \Drupal\field\FieldConfigInterface $field_to_synchronize */
      $field_to_synchronize = $entityTypeManager
      if ($field_to_synchronize) {
          ->setSetting('synchronized_by', $entity
          ->setSetting('synchronized_from_target', $entity

    // If the field selected is removed and no synchronization is enabled.
    if (empty($entity
      ->getSetting('synchronized_with')) && $original
      ->getSetting('synchronized_with')) {

      /** @var \Drupal\field\FieldConfigInterface $field_to_synchronize */
      $field_to_synchronize = $entityTypeManager
      if ($field_to_synchronize) {
          ->setSetting('synchronized_by', '')
          ->setSetting('synchronized_from_target', 0)

    // If a new field is selected and there is another field selected before.
    if ($entity
      ->getSetting('synchronized_with') && $original
      ->getSetting('synchronized_with') && $entity
      ->getSetting('synchronized_with') !== $original
      ->getSetting('synchronized_with')) {

      /** @var \Drupal\field\FieldConfigInterface $new_field_to_synchronize */
      $new_field_to_synchronize = $entityTypeManager
      if ($new_field_to_synchronize) {
          ->setSetting('synchronized_by', $entity
          ->setSetting('synchronized_from_target', $entity
      $old_field_to_synchronize = $entityTypeManager
      if ($old_field_to_synchronize) {
          ->setSetting('synchronized_by', '')
          ->setSetting('synchronized_from_target', 0)

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete().
function pbf_field_config_delete(FieldConfigInterface $entity) {
  if ($entity
    ->getType() == 'pbf' && $entity
    ->getSetting('synchronized_with')) {
    $entityTypeManager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    /** @var \Drupal\field\FieldConfigInterface $field_to_synchronize */
    $field_to_synchronize = $entityTypeManager
    if ($field_to_synchronize) {
        ->set('synchronized_by', '')
        ->set('synchronized_from_target', 0)

 * Implements hook_field_ui_preconfigured_options_alter().
function pbf_field_ui_preconfigured_options_alter(array &$options, $field_type) {
  if ($field_type === 'pbf') {
    $options = [];