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function payment_ubercart_pids_load in Payment for Ubercart 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 payment_ubercart.module \payment_ubercart_pids_load()

Load the PIDs of the Payments that belong to an Ubercart order.


integer $order_id:

Return value


4 calls to payment_ubercart_pids_load()
PaymentUbercartCheckoutWebTestCase::assertCheckout in tests/PaymentUbercartCheckoutWebTestCase.test
Executes the checkout process.
payment_ubercart_payment_create in ./payment_ubercart.module
Creates a payment for an order.
payment_ubercart_uc_checkout_complete in ./payment_ubercart.module
Implements hook_uc_checkout_complete().
payment_ubercart_uc_order in ./payment_ubercart.module
Implements hook_uc_order().


./payment_ubercart.module, line 273
Hook implementations and shared functions.


function payment_ubercart_pids_load($order_id) {
  return db_query("SELECT pid FROM {payment_ubercart} WHERE uc_order_id = :uc_order_id ORDER BY pid ASC", array(
    ':uc_order_id' => $order_id,