function payment_commerce_payment_create in Payment for Drupal Commerce 7
Create a Payment for a Commerce order.
$order: The order to base the payment on.
integer $pmid: The PMID of the payment method to use for the payment.
Return value
3 calls to payment_commerce_payment_create()
- PaymentCommerceDeleteOrderWebTestCase::assertCreateAndDeleteOrderAndPayment in tests/
PaymentCommerceDeleteOrderWebTestCase.test - Creates an order, transaction and Payment, and then deletes them.
- payment_commerce_form_process_submit_form in ./
payment_commerce.module - Implements form process callback for payment_commerce_submit_form().
- payment_commerce_payment_method_validate in ./ - Implements Rules plugin callback.
- ./
payment_commerce.module, line 318 - Hook implementations and shared functions.
function payment_commerce_payment_create($order, $pmid) {
$balance = commerce_payment_order_balance($order);
$order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
$order_total = $order_wrapper->commerce_order_total
$payment = new Payment(array(
'context' => 'payment_commerce',
'context_data' => array(
'balance_amount' => $balance['amount'],
'order_id' => $order->order_id,
'description' => t('Order !order_number', array(
'!order_number' => $order->order_number,
'currency_code' => $balance['currency_code'],
'method' => entity_load_single('payment_method', $pmid),
'finish_callback' => 'payment_commerce_payment_finish',
// The order is being paid in full.
if ($balance['amount'] == $order_total['amount']) {
foreach ($order_wrapper->commerce_line_items
->value() as $line_item) {
$line_item_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_line_item', $line_item);
$line_item_unit_price = commerce_price_component_total($line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price
// Make sure the line item amount is in the correct currency.
if ($line_item_unit_price['currency_code'] != $payment->currency_code) {
$amount = commerce_currency_convert($line_item_unit_price['amount'], $line_item_unit_price['currency_code'], $payment->currency_code);
else {
$amount = $line_item_unit_price['amount'];
// Convert the amount to a float.
$currency = commerce_currency_load($payment->currency_code);
$amount = (double) $amount / pow(10, $currency['decimals']);
->setLineItem(new PaymentLineItem(array(
'amount' => $amount,
'description' => $line_item->line_item_label,
'name' => 'payment_commerce_' . $line_item->line_item_id,
'quantity' => $line_item->quantity,
else {
->setLineItem(new PaymentLineItem(array(
'amount' => $balance['amount'],
'description' => 'Order !order_number',
'description_arguments' => array(
'!order_number' => $order->order_number,
'name' => 'payment_commerce',
return $payment;