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function payment_method_options in Payment 7

Return payment methods for use in form elements.

Return value

array Keys are payment method IDs. Values are payment method specific titles.

1 call to payment_method_options()
PaymentViewsHandlerFilterPaymentMethodTitle::get_value_options in views/
Implements views_handler_filter_in_operator::get_value_options().
1 string reference to 'payment_method_options'
payment_rules_condition_info in ./
Implements hook_rules_condition_info().


./, line 1151
The Payment user interface.


function payment_method_options() {
  $options = array();
  foreach (entity_load('payment_method') as $payment_method) {
    $options[$payment_method->pmid] = check_plain($payment_method->title_specific);
  return $options;