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function _payment_status_hierarchy_level in Payment 7

Helper function for payment_status_hierarchy().


string[] $statuses: An array with payment statuses that are part of the same hierarchy level.

array[] $children: Keys are payment statuses. Values are arrays with those statuses' child statuses.

Return value

array The return value is identical to that of payment_status_hierarchy().

1 call to _payment_status_hierarchy_level()
payment_status_hierarchy in ./
Returns a hierarchical representation of payment statuses.


./, line 1102
The Payment user interface.


function _payment_status_hierarchy_level(array $statuses, array $children) {
  $hierarchy = array();
  foreach ($statuses as $status) {
    $hierarchy[$status] = isset($children[$status]) ? _payment_status_hierarchy_level($children[$status], $children) : array();
  return $hierarchy;