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function payment_method_access in Payment 7

Check if a user has access to perform a certain payment method operation.


string $operation: One of the following operations:

  • "create" (requires $payment_method)
  • "update" (does not require $payment_method, but only grants access if the user has permission to update any payment method)
  • "delete" (does not require $payment_method, but only grants access if the user has permission to delete any payment method)
  • "view" (does not require $payment_method, but only grants access if the user has permission to view any payment method)
  • "enable" (requires $payment_method)
  • "disable" (requires $payment_method)
  • "clone" (requires $payment_method)

PaymentMethod $payment_method: The payment method the user wants to perform the operation on.

object $account: The user account for which to check access. If NULL, the current user is used.

Return value


See also


5 calls to payment_method_access()
payment_form_payment_method in ./
Implements form build callback: the payment method add/edit form.
payment_method_access_token in ./payment.module
Check if a user has access to perform a certain payment method operation and do additional token validation.
payment_method_form_add_access in ./
Menu access callback for payment_method_form_add().
payment_page_payment_method_add_select_controller in ./
Shows a page with controllers payment methods can be added for.
payment_page_payment_method_add_select_controller_access in ./
Menu access callback for payment_page_payment_method_add_select_controller().
3 string references to 'payment_method_access'
PaymentTestPaymentMethodEntityPermissionWebTestCase::testPaymentMethodEntityPermissions in tests/payment_test/tests/PaymentTestPaymentMethodEntityPermissionWebTestCase.test
payment_entity_info in ./payment.module
Implements hook_entity_info().
payment_menu in ./payment.module
Implements hook_menu().


./payment.module, line 1006
Hook implementations and shared functions.


function payment_method_access($operation, PaymentMethod $payment_method = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  global $user;

  // Default to the currently logged-in user.
  if (!$account) {
    $account = $user;
  switch ($operation) {
    case 'create':
      return $payment_method && user_access('payment.payment_method.create.' . $payment_method->controller->name, $account);
    case 'enable':
      return $payment_method && $payment_method->enabled == FALSE && payment_method_access('update', $payment_method, $account);
    case 'disable':
      return $payment_method && $payment_method->enabled == TRUE && payment_method_access('update', $payment_method, $account);
    case 'clone':
      return payment_method_access('create', $payment_method, $account) && payment_method_access('view', $payment_method, $account);
    case 'view':
    case 'update':
    case 'delete':
      return user_access('payment.payment_method.' . $operation . '.any', $account) || $payment_method && user_access('payment.payment_method.' . $operation . '.own', $account) && $payment_method->uid == $account->uid;
  return FALSE;