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11 calls to pay_method_load() in Pay 7

pay_activity::pay_method in includes/handlers/
Return the payment method related to this activity.
pay_admin_method_form in includes/
Admin form to create or update payment methods.
pay_admin_method_overview in includes/
pay_currency_list in ./pay.module
Helper function to list all possible currencies.
pay_form::form_submit in includes/handlers/
pay_form::form_validate in includes/handlers/
pay_form::pay_methods in includes/handlers/
@todo Please document this function.
pay_method_delete_confirm_submit in includes/
Process payment method delete confirm submissions.
pay_method_list in ./pay.module
Helper function to list all payment methods available.
pay_transaction::do_action in includes/handlers/
Perform an action on this transaction.
pay_transaction::valid_action in includes/handlers/
Determine whether an action is valid and appropriate for this transaction.