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10 calls to pay_load_object() in Pay 7

pay_activity_load in ./pay.module
API Function: Load a payment activity object.
pay_form in ./pay.module
A simple form any type of pay element. If you want to build a module with a standalone payment form, you would do so by passing this function to the drupal_get_form page handler in your hook_menu() funcion.
pay_form_callback in ./pay.module
A helper function for FAPI validate/submit callbacks. Locates any pay elements in a form and calls thier handler code.
pay_form_load in ./pay.module
API Function: Load a payment form object.
pay_handler_field_handler::render in includes/views/
Render the field.
pay_handler_field_pay_form::render in includes/views/
Render the field.
pay_item_load in ./pay.module
API Function: Load a payment item object.
pay_method_load in ./pay.module
API Function: Load a payment method object.
pay_transaction::activity in includes/handlers/
pay_transaction_load in ./pay.module
API Function: Load a payment transaction object.