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class pay_handler_field_amount in Pay 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/views/ \pay_handler_field_amount


Expanded class hierarchy of pay_handler_field_amount

1 string reference to 'pay_handler_field_amount'
pay_views_data in includes/views/
Implementation of hook_views_data(). TODO


includes/views/, line 2

View source
class pay_handler_field_amount extends views_handler_field_numeric {
  function query() {

    // Construct a new join so we can add the field.
    $join = new views_join();
      ->construct('pay_transaction', 'pay_form', 'pfid', 'pfid');
    $pay_transaction_table = $this->query
      ->ensure_table('pay_transaction', $this->table_alias, $join);
    $sum = 'SUM(' . $pay_transaction_table . '.' . $this->real_field . ')';
    $field_alias = $this->query
      ->add_field('', $sum, $this->real_field . '_amount');
    $this->field_alias = $field = $field_alias;

