private function PatternsTaxonomyTestCase::testCMDTerm in Patterns 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 tests/taxonomy/taxonomy.test \PatternsTaxonomyTestCase::testCMDTerm()
Test the:
- Creation
- Modification of name and description
- Deletion
of a term with name 'Patatina'.
1 call to PatternsTaxonomyTestCase::testCMDTerm()
- PatternsTaxonomyTestCase::testCMDVocabulary in tests/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Test the:
- tests/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test, line 110 - SimpleTests for the Taxonomy component of Patterns.
- PatternsTaxonomyTestCase
- @file SimpleTests for the Taxonomy component of Patterns.
private function testCMDTerm() {
// Make sure that 'anothervoc' matches the name in the pattern file
$term = 'Patatina';
// CREATE Term pattern.
parent::runFile('taxonomy_term_add.yaml', 'Taxonomy_Term_ADD', $this->taxo_tests_dir);
$terms = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($term);
//$this->assertNotNull($terms, t('Terms found.'));
->assertEqual(count($terms), 1, 'Term found');
$t = $terms[1];
->assertEqual($t->name, $term, t('Term created with name \'Patatina\'.'));
// MODIFY Term pattern
$vid = $t->vid;
$tid = $t->tid;
$name = $t->name;
$descr = $t->description;
$t = NULL;
parent::runFile('taxonomy_term_modify.yaml', 'Taxonomy_Term_MODIFY', $this->taxo_tests_dir);
$terms = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 'ttd')
->fields('ttd', array(
->condition('ttd.tid', $tid)
// return array of Std objs
->assertEqual(count($terms), 1, t('One term found'));
$t = $terms[0];
->assertEqual($t->vid, $vid, t('Modify Term pattern did no alter vid.'));
->assertEqual($t->tid, $tid, t('Modify Term pattern did no alter tid.'));
->assertNotEqual($t->name, $name, t('Modify Term pattern changed name correctly.'));
->assertNotEqual($t->description, $descr, t('Modify Term pattern changed description correctly.'));
// DELETE Term pattern
parent::runFile('taxonomy_term_delete.yaml', 'Taxonomy_Term_DELETE', $this->taxo_tests_dir);
$terms = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 'ttd')
->fields('ttd', array(
->condition('', $term)
// return array of Std objs
->assertEqual(count($terms), 0, t('Term \'Patatina\' deleted.'));
//$this->verbose('Vocabulary modified: ' . var_export($taxo, TRUE));