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function PatternsTestCase::runFile in Patterns 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 tests/patterns.test \PatternsTestCase::runFile()

Loads a pattern file and runs it.


mixed $filename The full name (name + extension) of: the file to run

mixed $name An alphanumeric name or short sentence: to be displayed next to the test results

mixed $dir The path of the directory containing the: pattern file

mixed $format (optional) If set, forces the use of: a specific format

See also


33 calls to PatternsTestCase::runFile()
PatternsBlockTestCase::testCreate in tests/block/block.test
PatternsBlockTestCase::testDelete in tests/block/block.test
PatternsBlockTestCase::testModify in tests/block/block.test
PatternsColorTestCase::testColor in tests/color/color.test
PatternsContentTypeTestCase::testCreate in tests/node/content.test

... See full list


tests/patterns.test, line 78
The base of the Patterns Component tests.


Abstract base class for testing pattern component behavior.


function runFile($filename, $name, $dir, $format = NULL) {
  $patterntext = $this
    ->loadPattern($filename, $dir);
  if (is_null($format)) {
    $path_parts = pathinfo($filename);
    $format = $path_parts['extension'];
    ->quickRun($patterntext, $name);