public function PatternsSystemTestCase::testTheme in Patterns 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 tests/system/system.test \PatternsSystemTestCase::testTheme()
- tests/
system/ system.test, line 117 - SimpleTests for the System component of Patterns.
- PatternsSystemTestCase
- @file SimpleTests for the System component of Patterns.
public function testTheme() {
// TODO: test when 'default' is not set
// Check for the current theme.
->assertIdentical(variable_get('theme_default', NULL), 'bartik', t('The default theme is bartik.'));
->assertIdentical(variable_get('admin_theme', NULL), 'seven', t('The default admin theme is seven.'));
// Run the pattern.
parent::runFile('theme.yaml', 'Set theme', $this->system_tests_dir);
// Check for the current theme after running the pattern.
->assertIdentical(variable_get('theme_default', NULL), 'garland', t('The default theme is garland.'));
->assertIdentical(variable_get('admin_theme', NULL), 'bartik', t('The default admin theme is bartik.'));